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If I'd Known Then: Women In Their 20s And 30s Write Letters To Their Younger Selves (2008)

If I'd Known Then: Women in their 20s and 30s Write Letters to Their Younger Selves (2008)

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0738211206 (ISBN13: 9780738211206)
Da Capo Press

About book If I'd Known Then: Women In Their 20s And 30s Write Letters To Their Younger Selves (2008)

Going in, I didn't know very many females interviewed in this book, but it seemed cool. & I LOVE Jessica Alba from since she was in PUNKS.. & that was a big factor in me reading this. lol, but not in a sexual way. There were probably 5-10 other folks I've heard of & half of whom I knew who they were.On the expositions and letters, most were decent. Childhood-teenage years are pretty much difficult for everyone for 1 reason or multiple. A fair amount of these people/chapters were crazy-inspiring, but others I was just kind of like.. "What was the point here?" especially the one with the horse. I didn't really get that one at all.I learned & Googled a few people because their stories were really interesting & I wanted to see what they looked like & do a bit more research. Really great inspiration is that lady who doesn't have shins, but yet is an medal-winning athlete, a model, & an actress. Never heard of her or seen her before, but that's SO COOL. Mainly, I think the book is to help you realize/ remember that it's not what happens to us, but our choices that matter. Be true to yourself. Also, this printing had misprints/ the wrong name on a few pages.. like Magdali's name was in the top right corner of pages she was not on.. lol. Brad Paisley made me read this.This is one of those books everyone should take time to read. Most of us usually compare our lives to the perfect lives we think these women have, but now we learn that they had some pretty hard times too.It kind of makes you want to say "Hey my life really isn't that bad."This book is for young woman to realized that they are not alone in what they're feeling or going through.

Do You like book If I'd Known Then: Women In Their 20s And 30s Write Letters To Their Younger Selves (2008)?

I really wanted to like this book. However, instead of feeling inspired, I was mainly bored.

It was cute. But I wanted to slap Jessica Alba.

I cried. A lot. I want Coral to read this...

so far very interesting

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