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If Chins Could Kill: Confessions Of A B Movie Actor (2002)

If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor (2002)

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0312291450 (ISBN13: 9780312291457)
l.a. weekly books

About book If Chins Could Kill: Confessions Of A B Movie Actor (2002)

'If Chins Could Kill' is the biography of Bruce Campbell, star of the 'Evil Dead' movie series, TV's 'Brisco County Jr.,' and more. He has a cult following owing to his wise-cracking everyman hero persona. Barry Neville, Campbell's editor, writes the humorous foreword. In the introduction, Bruce dedicates the book to "the players on the second string, the "B" people," of which he includes himself as a member. The 2002 paperback edition also includes a 39-page addendum: 'Chins Across America, The Tour,' in which Campbell discusses his book tour in 2001 for the hardcover edition. This is the story of Campbell's career and the people behind the scenes with whom he worked. He feels it is very important to recognize the contributions of the employees who handle the various duties required in making a movie or television series. It is obvious that Bruce wrote this book with his fans in mind, because there are stories involving most of his projects. Campbell writes in a conversational way. Included are many discussions between himself and his buddies, reminiscing about their adventures from Michigan to Tennesee, from Hollywood to New Zealand. Through most of the book he talks about his friends he grew up with and made the first 'Evil Dead' with, including Sam Raimi, who went on to produce and/or direct such mega-hits as 'Spiderman.' Throughout the book, Campbell's humor is apparent. There are photos on nearly every page that tie into the text. I loved the humorous captions!All Bruce Campbell fans will find something to like in this book. My personal favorite is 'Brisco County Jr.,' but I found this section of the book rather short. Probably because it is my favorite I just wanted it to go on and on.There are several typos in this book (Mr. Neville, Bruce deserves better!). I believe the addendum is a necessity, as it gives his observations on interacting with his fans, and an update on 'where are they now' for the buddies he talks about in the main part of the book. I am a true Bruce Campbell fan and, of course, my copy of this book has his signature in it advising me to 'shop smart!' If you are also a true fan, you MUST purchase this book!

This is a good book. It's a "pre-Burn Notice" "memoir" from Bruce Campbell (the only person to ever "almost" convince me to try Old Spice). I'm not big on "showbiz", movie-star, "my climb to fame" or "my crash from fame" books. That's not what this is. It's just what Campbell says it is, the story of a "work-a-day actor"...and it includes a lot of laughs.I think I was sold on this book early on as I could identify with a lot of the "childhood" stories BC related here. (When I was a kid the "green army-men" were made of a different plastic than they are today. In fielding "realistic battles" it was at times necessary to use actual secret of course as parents didn't seem to understand the need and felt playing with matches [the ones you'd sneaked out of that drawer in the kitchen you weren't supposed to get into] was "dangerous". Silly huh? Anyway, Campbell mentions the great zzzllliiippp noise that the burning plastic made as it dripped... Oh and the way if leaves a lasting impression when the burning plastic lands on, and sticks to skin. [I almost burned our barn down once while fielding a battle. Happily I managed to "stomp the flames out before they got much more than a foot...or two high. Other than the smell of smoke which I allowed to "air out" of my clothes before I went back inside later in the evening I was barely singed and my parents never knew about the "near disaster". Childhood ain't what it used to be.]) I'm apparently about the same age as Campbell's oldest brother. Like him I was (and really I suppose still am) a Man From U.N.C.L.E. fan, like BC I liked the TV show Combat...I adventured outside with fireworks, sharp objects, personal building projects and other assorted life and limb risking projects.While not a big fan of many of his films (I was never really a Deadite) I do like others and find his take here interesting, readable and often humorous. Pretty good read.

Do You like book If Chins Could Kill: Confessions Of A B Movie Actor (2002)?

I'll admit to a little bias: I'm a big Bruce Campbell fan. I'm also a fan of Sam Raimi [director and longtime friend of Campbell:], so reading behind-the-scenes tales of their early careers was a special treat for me.While no great work of literature, this autobiography did exactly what I wanted it to: I felt like I got a glimpse into what these men are really like, I learned more about moviemaking in general and making EVIL DEAD in particular, and I got to see plenty of snapshots taken throughout the years. This book balances perfectly structure and chronology with personal anecdotes and funny stories, and it focuses on the work.I'd love to see another update to this book at some point, post-BURN NOTICE. :)

This is an autobiography unlike most others. Campbell, star of the Evil Dead films, starts from his surprisingly industrious childhood, through the physical tortures of his friendship with Sam Raimi (who would go on to direct the Spiderman films, among others), and into his career as a full-time actor. Not only is it a fascinating look into the making of Evil Dead and Hercules, it's downright hilarious. Campbell writes the way he speaks, a sort of campy monologue full of entertaining anecdotes. My favorite part was the photo captions. Definitely recommended, not only to Bruce Campbell fans, but also to aspiring filmmakers. It's amazing what Raimi and co. were able to accomplish on a meager budget, using homemade special effects. I look forward to Campbell's other books.

I'm certain there are a lot of people out there that would look at this rating and think I'm insane...or just another Evil Dead superfan.You'd be wrong, not because I have recently been certified as mentally stable (I haven't sought a professional opinion on that issue in some time) and certainly not because I hate Evil Dead (woodshed?).Why you would be wrong is because I honestly consider this book to be one of the greatest books ever written. Not because it was well written, or because the subject was life affirming or aspiring...but because it is my gateway book. Prior to purchasing this book in a hardcover edition at the Roseville Barnes and Noble and reading it through the Minnesota State Fair, I was quite sadly..gulp...a non-reader. Luckily this book piqued an interest in me that I didn't even exercise as a child. I remember going to the Winona Public Library and running around through the old wrought section of the library. I even remember stopping long enough to grab some book or record before time was up, but that was just so my Mom wouldn't give me a hard time about being empty handed. I never read anything I wasn't forced to by a teacher, and even then I usually only read every tenth page. Just enough to write five pages of drivel that I knew would at least get me a B.Now I am constantly reading a book. I've not tried the mulitple book approach, but that time will probably come too. Better yet, my love of books really meshed well with my love of thrift shopping. I can honestly say that I own a copy of every book I have ever read, and with the exception of 2 or 3, the actual edition that I read.Thank you Mr. Campbell, and thank you to all of you book readers who donate books to charity. A small portion of them end up in my mind and on my bookshelves.
—Paul ZombieVintage

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