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I Wish I Had . . . (2010)

I Wish I Had . . . (2010)

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080285415X (ISBN13: 9780802854155)
Eerdmans Books for Young Readers

About book I Wish I Had . . . (2010)

The narrator wishes for attributes of different animals: -"the eyes of a blackbird to see every blad of grass growing in a meadow . . ." -"the night-black coat of a panther as it slips through the darkness. . . "(love the moonlight scene, finding the panther's outline amidst the black branches of the tree) -"the contentment of a dog in winter when the snow falls outside" (dog is huge, love the little tea set in the room) Text has a poetic feel.Gorgeous illustrations, large size book, full bleed. Originally published in Italian in 2010Translation services provided by Translations Unlimited Poetic text spotlights the desirable characteristics of a wide range of animals. The artwork is amaaaaaaazing! Combining intricate ink sketches and large paintings in a muted color palette the illustrator captures the beauty and majesty of each subject. My favorites (and I suspect the illustrator's favorites as well) were the whale and the elephant. The muralistic way in which each creature is represented is truly breathtaking and highly inspiring.

Do You like book I Wish I Had . . . (2010)?

The illustrations are top notch but the story is kind of boring and meant for adults, in my opinion.

The language is a bit clunky at times, but the illustrations are magnificent.

This is a beautiful book, the artwork is gorgeous.



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