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I Want To Kill The Dog (2012)

I Want to Kill the Dog (2012)

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2.65 of 5 Votes: 1
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0399162038 (ISBN13: 9780399162039)
Blue Rider Press

About book I Want To Kill The Dog (2012)

Rating this book was kind of hard for a couple reasons. Sometimes it was pretty amusing and would even make me chuckle here and there. So those parts were good. But the parts that really bugged me was when he would talk about trying to kick the dog and wanting to hurt it with a shock collar. As he pointed out, maybe it's because I'm a girl, but I cannot stand when people try to hurt an animal and I'm not a big fan of shock collars either. I understand his animosity toward these dogs, they really did seem to be quite hellions, but still. I consider myself an animal lover (as I tend to like them much more than people) but his wife definitely took that to extremes with even catching bugs to release them...that's a little crazy in my book. As for him talking about how his wife is on tv and relatively famous, I have NO IDEA who she is, or who he is for that matter, so some parts seemed more like an in your face we're well off kind of thing. The beginning was the most humorous part and as it went on, it seemed to get a little less entertaining. But I did like he wrote it. Like a very informal way and more of a what came to him as if he were simply talking to someone. It was refreshing in a fun way. I thought this would be one of those tongue-in-cheek, amusing anecdote filled books. I like Meredith Vieira (you know, from The View) I really do. And I've always thought of her husband (the author) as a curmudgeonly guy who was really a softy at heartBut really, in this book she comes across as an incredibly irresponsible pet owner randomly snatching up dogs for awhile before sending them on their way. And he, well he comes across as a little bit of a passive aggressive animal hater.I expected short anecdotes of animal mishaps but what I got was one long diatribe on how Richard can't stand any animal Meredith brings home but she just keeps a-bringin' 'em.

Do You like book I Want To Kill The Dog (2012)?

i knew this was a "fluff" book when i took it off the library shelf, but i expected SOME fluff.

loved it


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