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I Hate Everything (2010)

I Hate Everything (2010)

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3.89 of 5 Votes: 5
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1440506388 (ISBN13: 9781440506383)
Adams Media Corporation

About book I Hate Everything (2010)

I bought this book in 2010/2011 at Boarders when I was on vacation visiting my brother. As a PROUD self proclaimed pessimist I can honestly say this was a hilarious book that I genuinely enjoyed. I hated that while I was on the plane back home everyone was staring at me while I laughed. I hated how they made me feel insecure about my laughing. I hated how I attempted to stifle my laughter. I hated that I couldn't.This is of course a joke book that can be read in less than an hour but it is so good! It's well written, relatable, realistic and funny. I have two favorites that I hate I can never find. I hate that rereading is nothing like the first time. I hate this does not have the popularity it deserves. I hate that the amazing bookstore chain I bought this book from went out of business. Compendium of “I hate” statements, for example “I hate stupid souvenirs” followed by “I hate when people don’t bring me back a souvenir.” The statements are also accompanied by simple but whimsical drawings. It was delightful to read as most people could relate to most of the statements, most of which are about the mundane things in life that annoy us as well as contradictory feelings that we have over certain things in life.

Do You like book I Hate Everything (2010)?

Extremely quick read that amused me ~ but then again, I can be pretty easily amused. ;-)

True and funny! Even the cover is great!

I hate that I love this book.

This book is hilarious.

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