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I Has A Hotdog. By Professor Happycat (2010)

I Has a Hotdog. by Professor Happycat (2010)

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3.86 of 5 Votes: 2
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0753522659 (ISBN13: 9780753522653)
Virgin Publishing

About book I Has A Hotdog. By Professor Happycat (2010)

I read the book and thought it was a little difficult to read at first because of the way the words were spelled I kept having to re-read a few things but then found out after handing it to the kids it was just me they read it fine (probably cause it is just the way they would have spelled it). They didn't have a problem sounding the words out at all and my 10 yr old read the words fine it didn't slow him down a bit. The pictures are great I really liked that about the book because I happen to love dogs I have a few of my own. The kids flew through the book the younger one couldn't read all the words yet so the older one was reading it to him. He thought he was a comedian and his little brother was just laughing so hard. I really like the fact that they were actually in the same room together reading and laughing together with this book instead of fighting like they normally do. My kids keep walking around repeating there favorite sayings from the book. One of the sayings that is the 5 yr olds favorite is "I didn't hit you...I high-fived your face. They are still laughing about that one. Fun, adorable, energetic! I loved this book from front to back, and my kids LOVED the fun pictures. Each and every page had cute and fun pictures that made me say "awwww" just about every time. The quotes that were matched up with pictures were fantastic, and made me laugh out loud, literally. This is a book I'd recommend to anyone who wants a quick "pick me up" moment, to someone who needs a laugh, and to ANYONE that likes dogs! While I mentioned that my kids really enjoyed the pictures in the book, I have to also note that my 7-year old didn't understand many of the jokes. The "dog" grammar confused her sometimes, and she was unable to understand it when reading it herself. She certainly got a kick out of listening to me read and 'interpret' it for her though!I'm so glad I got a chance to review this book. It was a joy to read, and it's definitely a book I'll read through again.

Do You like book I Has A Hotdog. By Professor Happycat (2010)?

if you are a lolcats lover and love dogs, this book is for you!

I LOVE this website and I can't wait to read this!!!

Dogs, I luv dem.


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