A sweet story about how easy it is to help each other. It begins with a little duckling who is lost who is helped by a kind monkey. All of a sudden the monkey needs help who is helped by a giraffe , who then needs help and so on. I loved the drawings as they were also simple like the text but with lots of colour and detail. The text is repetitive which small children especially love and is also easy for young readers, Initial text is Uh-oh I'm lost. I can help. Thank you, monkey!. This is then repeated by the monkey... Uh oh I'm falling. I can help. Thank you, giraffe! and so on. Very simple and sweet and an nice easy read just before bedtime. Little Duck is lost in the tall grass and is helped by Monkey. This starts a chain of helpful actions where one animal helps the next. Monkey is caught by a giraffe when he falls from a tree, Giraffe is helped when Gorilla bends a branch low enough, Gorilla’s splinter is pulled out by a bird. And it continues, one after the other until the chain loops back when Little Duck helps Elephant find a cool pool of water. Unfortunately, moments later Little Duck is once again lost in the grass, but now there are lots of animals willing to help!Very simply written in short sentences, this book clearly demonstrates how one good deed gets repaid again and again. Costello’s art is as clear and simple as his text with illustrations filled with deep colors that are very inviting. As the chain continues, each animal is united with a parent after they are helped. This small touch adds to the warmth of the book. It is also pleasant to see that each animal gives thanks for the help they receive. Perfection for toddler or even baby storytimes, this book exudes a bright friendliness that all children will find inviting. Appropriate for ages 1-4.
Do You like book I Can Help (2010)?
Animals help each other one by one until it goes full circle. Good for toddler storytime.
Really cute story about friends helping friends. Very cute illustrations.
I like the message, and think a 'helping hands' storytime sounds nice.