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I Am Potential: Eight Lessons On Living, Loving, And Reaching Your Dreams (2008)

I Am Potential: Eight Lessons on Living, Loving, and Reaching Your Dreams (2008)

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3.97 of 5 Votes: 2
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0738212989 (ISBN13: 9780738212982)
Da Capo Lifelong Books

About book I Am Potential: Eight Lessons On Living, Loving, And Reaching Your Dreams (2008)

This book really lifts up your spirits. Some of the experiences are a little out of chronological order, but the story and meaning behind them are good.Patrick Henry gave readers a very insightful look into his and his family's life. He was very descriptive at times and made you feel that you were experencing things right along with him.Patrick Henry and his family show you what families should be like, loving and helping each other unconditionaly.It would be a good book to go back and read periodically. You may have hear of Patrick Henry Hughes--born with severe disabilities, including blindness, he nevertheless has an amazing musical talent and zest for life. He and his dad are regulars on the field with the University of Louisville marching band--even though Patrick is in a wheelchair. In this book Patrick shares the story of his life so far and the principles that have helped him overcome adversity and excel despite enormous challenges. It is a very inspiring story and one I definitely recommend reading.

Do You like book I Am Potential: Eight Lessons On Living, Loving, And Reaching Your Dreams (2008)?

Borrowing from the libraryOne of the best feel-good novels I have ever read.

This simply written book is just beautiful! What an outlook on life!

A sweet story of an amazing young man. Find him on you tube.

Easy read, not as absorbing as I expected, kind of rambling.

An interesting story of overcoming adversity.

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