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Husbands (2013)

Husbands (2013)

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3.69 of 5 Votes: 1
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1616551305 (ISBN13: 9781616551308)
Dark Horse Comics

About book Husbands (2013)

A cute premise, and definitely a step in the right direction in terms of promoting a story featuring a same-sex couple that isn't wholly focused on sex, drug use, or emotional depravity. Still, I feel the authors could have knitted together the episodic chapters into a more seamless whole with a little more forethought and intention. Since these episodes are so short, a stronger narrative running throughout would have done these characters more justice. Additionally, the protagonists' "drunken tiny friend" unfortunately gets the shaft all too often in each episode, or is sometimes forgotten halfway through the story...we should be careful in our pro-equality literature to not also nudge our strong female figures into the shadows. Overall a fun, quick read, but expect more fluff than anything of more lasting substance. Cuuuuute. I can think of a couple grounds to critique this on but honestly? It is literally six interconnected AUs of fluffy fanfic. My head was killing me yesterday, mentally non-taxing fluff was exactly what I needed (why were you reading when your head was at the point where bright lights made you hiss away like a vampire? Because I was about to crawl out of my skin with boredom Judgement Joe; this was the healthiest alternative I could think of. Some of us are not blessed with a body capable of sleeping when it's good for it >l) 3 stars

Do You like book Husbands (2013)?

As with the Web series, the Graphic Novel is funny, messagey and lovey. I ship it. I ship it hard.

Relatively good.

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