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Hungry For Your Love: An Anthology Of Zombie Romance (2010)

Hungry for Your Love: An Anthology of Zombie Romance (2010)

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3.45 of 5 Votes: 1
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0312650795 (ISBN13: 9780312650797)
St. Martin's Griffin

About book Hungry For Your Love: An Anthology Of Zombie Romance (2010)

Three and a half stars, really.I wanted to like this book more than I did because of my undying and complete love of zombies; but, I felt like some stories tried a little too hard for a cute plot and sacrificed decent writing. Many read like a ninth grader wrote them with unvaried sentence structure, bromidic and groan-inducing quips, and simple vocabulary (I realize that sentence probably sounds pretentious). Also, some stories were romance-in-the-time-of-zombies, others were still-love-someone-who's-dead, and some were flat-out disgusting zombie sex. Quite a few were erotica, which was a nice change from my usual reading.I felt like I was reading Fifty Shades of Zombie or some zombie porn when I finished the story of the zombie-bitten man who knowingly has crazy-hot sex with his own great-grandmother ("Julia Brainchild"). Honestly, I began getting grossed out with zombies. Fortunately, I stuck with it and two stories, in particular, made the payoff worth it:"Last Times at Ridgemont High" - a perfect description of a zombie apocalypse happening at a high school, complete with any teen boy's fantasy. I laughed out loud at the end and cheered for the main character. It's going to be a good apocalypse."First Date" - similar to Last Times but from a adult female perspective. Just fantastic. Again, the apocalypse isn't as bad as they say.A few other stand-outs:"Later" - saddest story in the world. I really felt this one"Revenants Anonymous" - the dead do, indeed, love and lust"Through Death to Love" - sweetest zombie story I've ever read"Captive Hearts" - yes, I've included a Brian Keene story - King's "Misery" meets zombie"Zombified" - actually scared me"Some New Blood" - clever language usage in this oneNot a bad collection and certainly original. I was just hoping to be blown away. Arvostelussa ei ole käytetty yhtään hirsipuuhuumoria... hups. Zombiet ja rakkaustarinat eivät yleensä sovi samaan lauseeseen, joten novellikokoelma oli pakko hankkia jo ennakkotilauksena. Muistissa on kuitenkin Nummelinin toimittama Tuhansien zombien maa, jossa elävät kuolleet rakastivat ja surivat useammassakin tarinassa.En tiedä, pitäisikö tätä kokoelmaa kutsua "monimuotoiseksi" vai "yhteismitattomaksi". Samaan kirjaan on ympätty niin maailman todennäköisesti ensimmäinen zombie-threesome, perinteinen voodoo-tarina, postkolonialistista kritiikkiä sisältävä kertomus, zombie noir-novelli (pettymys), apokalyptinen murhamässäily, parinvaihtozombeilu jne. Teoksen runsaus korvaa jonkin verran sisällön heikoimpia osuuksia, joissa novellin perusidea ei kanna oikeastaan mihinkään ja loppukietaisut ovat säälittävän heikkoja. Yleistaso on kuitenkin kohtuullisen hyvä, joten voinemme turvallisin mieli jäädä odottelemaan maailman tuhoa. Rakkautta riittää senkin jälkeen.

Do You like book Hungry For Your Love: An Anthology Of Zombie Romance (2010)?

In reference to J.A. Saare's story in this antho - So different for a zombie story. Loved this!

Lovely & Amazing. Some really great stories!!!

Zombies + Love Stories = genius

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