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How To Have Confidence And Power In Dealing With People (1985)

How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People (1985)

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0134106717 (ISBN13: 9780134106717)
prentice hall press

About book How To Have Confidence And Power In Dealing With People (1985)

You might be tempted to put this one down when the author begins by claiming that, no, it's not a religious book, but, as a matter of actual fact, the only thing that makes human beings important is that we're "children of God." And similarly, he effectively says that you're worth the same regardless of what you do in life. Did you devote your life to curing cancer or watching TV, drinking beer, and eating Doritos? It doesn't matter! You're a Child of God!!!I'm not usually one to get angry, but the author would have been in bad company saying the following to me in person: "Unless you believe that there is a Creator who has endowed men with unalienable rights, with an innate worth, you cannot very well believe in people." But don't worry; here's his airtight argument to back that up: "Communists claim that there is no Creator; hence, people are not very important to them either."All of this is just the antithesis of good moral philosophy. You probably want to back away slowly from someone who thinks that you're only important and worthy because a fake guy in the clouds says so.I was genuinely frustrated that punching the book wouldn't hurt it or erase this nonsense. (Protip: Don't lie to your readers and offend them at the same time, especially when writing a book on human relations.)Luckily, despite occasional religious nonsense, Giblin means well, and his book is fantastic and actually full of good reasoning. You will probably feel the need to write down a good number of quotes and maxims. A lot of it is stuff you know subconsciously, but it's great to see it articulated. I found myself relating claims to my experience and saying, "that's so true" frequently. Based on the title and cover, it's not hard to expect it to be cheap nonsense about acquiring an Alpha Male personality, being manipulative, etc., but it's actually very much about understanding other people and being genuine and respectful. Basically, human relations is very far from a zero-sum game.

I read the book “ How to have confidence and Power when dealing with people”. Les Giblin wrote the book, the genre of the book would be an informational type of book. Its a non fiction leadership book so what the book talks about you can apply it to everyday situations. More than five years ago,Les Giblin first described how mastering the basic principles of human behavior could ensure success for business people, and just about anyone else. Today hundreds of thousands of readers can attest, his advice as relevant as ever. “How to have confidence and power in dealing with people” is a truly practical way to gain self confidence power in your personal, business, and social relationships from little tricks of body language that we rarely notice in ourselves but yet notice almost always in others, but its to develop self belief. How to have confidence and power in dealing with people helps you get what you really, with integrity and ease. Lers Giblins tested techniques and common sense pointers will teach you how to: use basic secret of human nature to influence people, Control others” attitudes and expectation through your own behavior, Discover the three big secrets for attracting people, Get people to see things your way quickly, and ensure 100 percent cooperation when managing others. Make the most of your personal, social, business potential with the nature power you already possess.tThis is a truly good book if you are wanting to know how to better empower yourself with more of these great key functions of how to be more confident with people. So this book will be most beneficial for people who are wanting to know how to talk to people better, become a better leader, or just to overcome some shyness. This book would be best for ages 16 to death really because you are never to old to better empower yourself with this.

Do You like book How To Have Confidence And Power In Dealing With People (1985)?

Sage advice for getting along with people The world has changed so dramatically over the past half-century that many advice books from so long ago are no longer relevant, but Les Giblin’s relationship-oriented work seems likely to endure forever. The ideals he espoused in 1956 still represent the bedrock fundamentals for getting the most depth and satisfaction from your interpersonal connections. You’ll be impressed with Giblin’s grasp of human nature. What’s more, his advice is applicable in all areas of life. He is refreshingly upbeat and unfailingly positive. He clearly believes in humanity’s inherent goodness. getAbstract recommends his warm, sage counsel.

Общуването всъщност освен чисто комуникационната си страна всъщност има и сериозна доза психология. Лично аз относително рядко поглеждам точно в тази посока, затова и книгата на Лес Гиблин "Как да общуваме уверено и успешно" ме запрати "в отсрещния ъгъл" с множество насоки за сваляне на гарда на комуникационния съперник.Всяка от главите дава по няколко примера за това как да накарате хората да ви слушат, да приемат гледната ви точка, да създавате добро отношение, да изградите лоялна група от хора около себе си и т.н. На практика Гиблин излиза от self-help жанра и това превръща "Как да общуваме уверено и успешно" в наръчник по общуване в разширена социална среда. Всяка от частите е обобщена в края си, а на финала дори имате възможност да си изготвите собствена програма за разрешаване на комуникационните си проблеми (всеки има такива, няма какво да си кривим душите) по методите на Бенджамин Франклин.Цялото ревю е тук.Можеш да си поръчаш книгата с отстъпка от "Книга за теб" тук.

I listened to this on audiobook and it is only about three hours, but the program is packed with useful and applicable information. You can start using what it talks about from only listening to the first few minutes. This book is about human relations and every suggestion, technique, and principle discussed was right on. Admittedly, much of it seems like common sense after hearing it or I have read it before (How to Win Friends and Influence People), but most of us need to hear or read something a minimum of 6 times before it starts to become a daily practice, so I enjoyed the unique spin the book had.And one thing I can positively state, is that 99.9% of the people I interact with don't use the techniques discussed in this book, but if they did - they would have much more influence on me and I would like them much more. Therein lies the reasoning for every person - everywhere - to read this book. Recommended by Jason Riemens.
—Jason Riemens

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