About book How To Give Her Absolute Pleasure: Totally Explicit Techniques Every Woman Wants Her Man To Know (2000)
When my partner first told me she had ordered “How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure” by Lou Paget I didn’t know what to expect. I have read a few books on the subject of pleasuring women with some very mixed results. While there are great books like “She Comes First” by Ian Kerner with lots of useful diagrams and a plethora of useful information; there are also books like “Oral Sex She’ll Never Forget” by Sonia Borg which was full of repetitive useless pictures, equalled only by it’s terrible advice. Having had such positive and negative experiences with these types of books I knew that just because a book gets published it does not mean that they are of any quality! But when the book arrived I took a cursory glance and it seemed pretty decent. The presentation is very simplistic; the cover is black with white and red writing. It has a single quote praising the book rather than wasting tons of cover space with a bunch of quotes. Overall the cover was nicely understated. In no uncertain terms it tells you what to expect from the book without going overboard or showing any pornographic or even suggestive images.-Contents-One:The Yin and Yang of the KamaLoutra.Two:Safe Sensuality: Keeping you and your lady protected.Three:Getting her in the mood.Four:Awakening her body’s erogenous zones.Five :Let your hands delight her.Six:The art of tongue: Leading a woman to rapture.Seven:Assembling (and expanding) your tool chest.Eight:Capturing Miss O.Nine:Nights of nirvana: Intercourse that will leave her breathless.Bibliography -Substance-Overall I am delighted with the information presented in this book. Having had a recent disappointing experience with a similarly themed book this was by contrast very well written, researched and very informative.The author Lou Paget presents a myriad of information gained throughout years of hosting sex seminars with both men and women. While I normally think the term “Sexpert” is thrown about and largely meaningless she has enough genuine experience to earn the title. In the book she addresses numerous subjects from flirting and relationship dynamics to contraceptive and sexual technique. This information is well presented and broken down by chapter. Some of the information in the contraceptive chapter was particularly informative. Rather than the usual “Just wear condoms” speech, the author goes into great detail about the various transmittable diseases and presents a lot of statistical information on the success rate of many wide ranging contraceptives. There are also numerous other great chapters detailing anatomy and the erogenous zones, and how (in her experience) women like to be stimulated. She also has a chapter dealing with being sweet and caring which may seem like common sense but is still good to see.-The Negative-While I largely praise the book there are a few very minor flaws. Overall the information is so broad ranging that I found myself wanting more specialized information on certain subjects. This is most notable in the chapter about sex toys. The information here is very basic and at times a little inaccurate with its description of toys.One piece of dubious advice in the contraceptive chapter is to have your partner put a condom on you using their mouth. Aside from condoms tasting unpleasant and many women not wanting to deep throat (as they would have to do in order to get it on fully); this is just bad advice. Condoms need to be pinched at the top to make sure air isn’t trapped for a start. Also teeth may damage the very thin and delicate material condoms are made from. Most condom instruction manuals say be careful of long or sharp finger nails and I would think the same applies to teeth. Honestly that one piece of advice seems out of place in this book, like someone snuck it in after it had been submitted. It is not in keeping with the rest of the tone of the book which by in large is about being nice and caring towards your female partner.One final problem I had which won’t be a problem for many is that the book is very US focused, talking about American companies, giving contact details for American services and clinics. As I am form Europe there was a few bits of information that simply did not apply to me.-Summary-Aside from the few minor flaws; the information in the rest of the book is fairly solid. It is well presented and laid out in an easy to understand form. The chapter headings are all accurate enabling for easy access to specific information. The information by in large is very helpful and is backed up by years of firsthand experience with men and women from a huge cross section of society. If you are looking for a great guide on relationships (with a women) that covers many aspects of a relationship then I highly recommend “How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure” by Lou Paget.
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