About book How To Get Over Your Ex. Nikki Logan (2013)
Georgia Stone has been stuck in a rut... for a really long time. So, when she hears about Radio EROS's Valentine's Day promotion - propose to your significant other on air and win the wedding of your dreams (worth $50,000) - she takes it as a divine sign that its time to give her boyfriend the kick in the butt that he needs... that they both need. Unfortunately, what Georgia mistook for a rut, her boyfriend saw as a merely temporary relationship and rejects her... on air... to thousands of listeners across England.In a desperate attempt to salvage the promotion gone wrong, produce Zander Rush proposes that Georgia spend the $50k over the course of the next year on different activities, trips, dreams that she had always wanted to do but never had the funding. The only catch? Zander will go along with her to document the entire thing for the listeners. Over the course of the year, both Georgia and Zander are forced out of their comfort zones and begin to learn a lot about themselves... and each other. And, despite being resolved to a single lifestyle for the foreseeable future, both cannot deny the growing attraction to each other...My favorite day of the year is February 15th (and November 1st... and December 26th...) because it is filled with the magic that is discounted Valentine's Day candy. So, imagine my surprise - whilst browsing the nearly endless racks of chocolates, I stumble upon a display of another favorite of mine - books! At the risk of sounding like a snob, I'll admit that I was a wee bit hesitant when I saw the word "Harlequin" splashed across the cover... it conjured images of half naked rugged men wearing kilts groping at a women with torn blouses... but I figured, "They're only $1.54... and the covers are cute... why not?" I threw them (there are four in this particular "series") in my basket and went on my merry way. I was not expecting much when I picked up How To Get Over Your Ex but was pleasantly surprised. The story was cute - very Valentine's Day with a chick flick kind of feel... and the characters were actually developed... not the sad cardboard cut out that I've grown used to from romance novels. The romance between Georgia and Zander was a far cry from insta-love and I particularly enjoyed the fact that it had to develop through out the story. As far as the characters go, Georgia was a nice change in that she did not lose herself in the romance or in Zander but retained her individuality. Zander was the typical damaged, sexy male lead... but there is nothing wrong with that, right?All in all, How To Get Over Your Ex is light and fun. If you enjoy chick lit or chick flicks, definitely check it out - the U.S. list price is only $1.94 (I found my copy at K-Mart)... and you can't go wrong for $2, right? I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the titles from the Valentine's Day Survival Guide (The One That Got Away, The Downfall of a Good Girl, Hitched) and will probably read more from Harlequin Kiss in the future. Good book. When Georgia's on-air proposal is rejected by her boyfriend, she flees the studio in humiliation. Then she finds out that she still needs to honor her contract with the radio station even though there is no wedding and honeymoon to cover. So the station manager, Zander, comes up with the idea of the Year of Georgia, where she takes that time to do the things she has always wanted to do and reinvent herself. I liked both Georgia and Zander. Georgia started out wondering what was so wrong with her that her boyfriend didn't want to take the next step with her. But when Zander came up with the idea of reinventing herself she didn't much care for that, not feeling that there was that much wrong with her. I liked the way that she started out by trying things that they thought she ought to try, but gained enough confidence in herself to start going after things she wanted to do. I liked the way that each adventure showed Georgia something else about herself that added to her emerging confidence. I also enjoyed the developing relationship with Zander. They started out very professional, but the more things they did together the more the lines blurred. Georgia also started to see past the walls that Zander kept up to keep people at a distance and to fall for the man behind those walls. I liked the way she started trying to get to him. Her belly dancing lesson was fantastic and I loved the description of what she did. Zander was an interesting guy. I loved the empathy he showed Georgia immediately after the radio fiasco when he helped her get out of the building. Besides needing to save his job by rescuing the radio promotion he also wanted to help Georgia get through this experience. Having suffered a similar humiliation he had a great deal of sympathy for her. He coped by shutting down emotionally and not allowing anyone to get close to him. He works longs hours and spends his free time doing long distance running. He doesn't expect to find his time with Georgia starting to chip away at those walls. When Georgia shows up at one of his races he is stunned and doesn't know quite what to do. He also finds that his attraction to her gets a little out of hand which scares him into withdrawing again. He also finds that he can't forget the feelings she has stirred up, but is still afraid to risk himself again.I loved seeing how, over the course of the year, both Georgia and Zander learned more about each other and themselves. I liked the fact that it was Georgia who had the courage to be the first to go after what she wanted and risk it all. I really loved Zander's big moment at the end and how he finally had the courage to go after what he really wanted.
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