About book How To Get Away With Murder In America (2012)
Author Evan Wright was working on a book with one of the main guys from Cocaine Cowboys, who hipped him to this other guy, who worked as muscle for the top Cuban mob boss down in Miami. He killed at least one guy that we know of, and who knows, he may have killed a shedload of people. Of course he went on to a very successful and lucrative career with the US military, the CIA, and the private military Bush Mengele and now Obama uses to illegally torture people. How come he wasn't thrown in prison and left there to rot way TF back in the '70s? How to Get Away With Murder in America breaks down how this mob boss he was affiliated had all kinds of politicians and law enforcement in his pocket. It can only speculate about how he got involved with the CIA, and what all he did while he was there. (Sounds like this dude was a sort of Corrupt Spy Zelig, involved with seemingly everything wrong the CIA is alleged to have done for the past three decades or so.) The part where the author tries to tie it all in with 9/11, Blackwater, the War on Terra and what have you, felt like he was reaching, but it was still kinda interesting to think about. For two bucks and some change, I got way more out of this than some books I've paid 10x as much for. a short nonfiction about Enrique Prado, a player in the 1970-80's Miami cocaine based criminal underworld who eventually joins the CIA and becomes a major part of its counter-terrorism squad. The narrative starts in Miami following Prado, and his boss Alberto San Pedro, as they build their criminal empire in the late 70's and early 80's. The allegations in the book are pretty amazing, basically San Pedro used his ill-gotten money to buy his way into the highest of Miami social circles, and buy his way out of any criminal investigations. If true (neither Prado, nor San Pedro were ever charged or convicted with any crimes, but the author does a pretty good job connecting the dots and making them seem guilty), just this part of the story is amazing and terrifying as San Pedro is able to run a major drug trafficking ring while all law enforcement knowingly turns a blind eye. HIs reach even extended to Aspen, where Prado allegedly blew up the car of the local coke dealer (a little local flavor!). However, the story takes quite a turn as Prado gets connected to the CIA through the anti-Castro movement. Prado eventually joins the CIA and becomes a major counter-terrorism agent. He now runs a legitimate private security firm. The story is shocking, and almost unbelievable, but the author does a good job connecting the dots through cited documents and interviews.
Do You like book How To Get Away With Murder In America (2012)?
The story itself is great. But the writing could be much improved.