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How Roland Rolls (2013)

How Roland Rolls (2013)

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0989368009 (ISBN13: 9780989368001)
Some Kind of Garden Media

About book How Roland Rolls (2013)

This is a great book! Jim Carrey is not only a great actor but now an award winning children's book author. 'How Rolland Rolls' is a story about a wave who's afraid that life will be over for him when he reaches the beach. On his journey Rolland realizes that he's much more than just a wave. This is a great book to read with students because it tells the story of how you are so much more than just you; everyone, like Rolland, is meant for bigger and better things. every once in a while i find a picture book that i, a twenty-five year old man, cannot understand. this is one of those's about a wave with eyes knocking over boats that jim carrey caricatures sail - two things that will keep me from ever visiting the ocean again.i've also never seen such a high-quality (read: thick paper, high resolution printing) book be so amateurishly typeset.horrible.

Do You like book How Roland Rolls (2013)?

Possibly a children's book about nirvana (not the rock group). But it was not well done at all.

One of the best children's books I have ever read. For the child in everyone. Beautiful!

This is fun. It may be a bit much for younger kids, but it's fun and a great moral.

Beautiful book, I loved it :-)

its a good laugh

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