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How Many Baby Pandas? (2009)

How Many Baby Pandas? (2009)

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3.9 of 5 Votes: 5
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0802797830 (ISBN13: 9780802797834)
Walker Childrens

About book How Many Baby Pandas? (2009)

Sandra Markle's "How Many Baby Pandas" is of immediate interest to me because of the adorable pandas adorned on the cover. This informational text uses great photographs and simple, short paragraphs to explain the life of a giant panda. Written in a simplistic "counting" format, each page asks a question, followed by a photograph of a certain number of pandas in their everyday lives, which is also accompanied by a brief informational paragraph. Fact boxes also help the reader better understand the panda while maintaining a brief, to the point text style. I think the best part of this book and the most helpful is the end of the book; where we find not only an author's note, but more giant panda facts, a glossary & index, information on the Wolong Giant Panda Breeding Center in China, a map to show where panda's live today & the most interesting part for many kids; a website section. I love how Markle included website links to live panda cams in zoos, so that a student can go from reading about pandas to then watching them in real life. I thought the information was presented very well and offered plenty of "awws" and "oohs" from start to finish. The information in this book is factual and is helped through the real pictures. The information is formed in an organized way. It starts from birth and goes through the beginnings of a baby pandas characteristics. The format would be appealing to children through the adorable pictures and information after each one backing up the pictures. Sandra Markle does a good job of writing clearly for children and generates the enthusiasm through her pictures

Do You like book How Many Baby Pandas? (2009)?

Gives out great information about pandas from when they are born to full grown. Great photographs!

Great for multiple levels! Counting, informational text features, non-fiction information

I put this book into a backpack with a panda puppet. Great for young readers.

Great pictures. Study of panda life

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