Hot Rocks by Nora RobertsWilly comes into Lane's shop gives her a card and leaves. He gets hit and dies but as she knelt down and covered the rainfrom hitting him he whispered a few things to her that made no sense. She recalls him but not the name at all.Max was trying to follow Willy and the $28 million but Willy had died in the car crash.Lane and Max have dinner and she learned Willy was a jewel thief.She returns after dinner with him and finds out her house has been burglarized but nothing is missing. Her dog is scared.Hide the pooch Willy had said, she's only got her dog and he's nothing to hide.The store assistant was selling one of the desks and the customers found a box in it and she unwrapped it, found a dog statueand placed it where the other dog statues were on the shelves.Lane seduces Max in his hotel room and goes home very early in the morning but gets a call and shows up at the police station.He had gone into her shop, although another had knocked him out there. He's got to search her shop for the $28 million.She finally had to come to terms with her assistant, Jenny and her husband the cop, along with Max. She thought they'd all bemad at her and leave her.The man after Max has been on the job for many years and had just missed Willy. He's plotting his next steps.Lane's dad comes back into the picture and she tells him she doesn't have the diamonds. Her and Max broke open the dog and foundthe gems and she gave them to Max to go hide.Lane was kidnapped by Crew-he was thinking the others would gladly give him the rest of the gems from the heist.Jack was kidnapped by Max who was thinking he'd give him the rest of the gems.I like how this one turned out, wow. この "Hot Rocks" の続きが "Big Jack" であり、その2作品を1冊にまとめて出版したのが "Remember When" となる。"Hot Rocks" は Nora Roberts 名義で書かれ、主人公は アンティークショップを営む Laine。その後 Laine の孫が事件に巻き込まれる "Big Jack" は J.D.Robb 名義で書かれ、主人公は In Death シリーズでお馴染みの警部補 Eve Daras。これらは Big Jack たちによって盗まれた総額 $28,400,000 のダイヤをめぐる事件であり、発端の "Hot Rocks" だけでも一応の解決を見ることができるが、真の幕は "Big Jack" で閉じられる。 で、"Hot Rocks" の評価が Nora Roberts にしては低かったので、内容が悪いのかと気になったのだが、理由は2作品まとめた "Remember When" とこの "Hot Rocks" がほぼ同額で売られていたからであるらしい。しかし私が購入した時は半額でリーズナブルだったし、内容も良く、低評価を与える理由はどこにもない。
Do You like book Hot Rocks (2010)?
Intriguing story about stolen diamonds and love. Now on to the follow up story: Big Jack
Good summer read - romance, suspense and classic ending.
Already bought the corresponding J.D.Rob Big Jack book!