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Horrid Henry Tricks The Tooth Fairy (1997)

Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy (1997)

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1858813719 (ISBN13: 9781858813714)
orion children's books

About book Horrid Henry Tricks The Tooth Fairy (1997)

This book I would recommend as a independent book for children at the ages 8-10 for guided reading or quiet reading sessions. Also it could also been used to read out loud to a group of 6-8 years during a class. This will be a good way to ask the children to use their imagination to guess what will happen next and encourage them to write their own version of the next part. This enhances creativity. The story is part of a collection of a well known character called Henry who is mischievous in comparison to his brother who is referred to as 'perfect'. In this story Henry notices how children get money in return for their fallen out teeth and decides to play a trick on the tooth fairy. This book is good in the sense that it is humorous and due to the humour children will be encouraged to continue reading. Also the way it is presented in clear spaced typing and exciting illustrations. This book can be used for drama in order to act out parts of the story and the teacher can encourage students to describe the feelings of others who are affected by Henry as well as the feelings Henry may be feeling. A good way to use this book may be during drama when they act out the story. Also to enforce their own social discipline as the teacher can ask the students: What is Henry doing? Is this right? Why? This could lead to students making posters to encourage positive behaviour. Also used in literacy to use similes and metaphors to describe Henrys attitudes as well as others feelings and attitudes. However a negative point in regards to this book is children may adopt Henry's attitude and behaviour and confuse themselves as they see his as a favourable character. The teacher must make the students aware of the consequences of his behaviour and explain why it is not right. To avoid this misconception.

Another book of funny tales involving the antics of Horrid Henry and his gang of friends.This time the action involves in him being jealous of Perfect Peter who loses a tooth so he resolves to do the same, then he has to attend a wedding as a pageboy, Moody Margaret comes to stay when her parents go on holiday and whom Henry schemes to get rid of and a new teacher arrives at the school who Henry is determined to annoy.Told in a way that is not patronising but with an element of naughtiness that kids can relate to.

Do You like book Horrid Henry Tricks The Tooth Fairy (1997)?

I chose to read this book because my moms work friends said it was a very good book so i tried it out and i liked the cover of the book.I liked the setting alot it was at home and at school.I did not feel like i was in the book that much.But you can see alot that is happening in the book.I liked the characters alot in this book.All the characters were good in this book but Henry was bad to peter his little brouthor. I loved the book so much i gave it 5 stars.I would recommend this book to a friend.My favorite part of the book was when peter loses his tooth and henry does not and he stilles it from peter.
—Chancellor Burgess

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