"The heavy arm that protected and confined her. That powerful, handless arm ending, hideously, at the wrist. Hook." It was with these wondrous lines that Andrea Jones drew me in and made sure I wasn't putting her book down until I had read it to the end, getting ready to buy her next book, "Other Oceans." So I'm not going to retell the story in this review- the details as Ms. Jones gives them to us are mostly certainly part of its allure to me as a reader. I desperately loved the growth and the journey that many of the characters are taken on. I couldn't help but smile every time I picked up the book to look at the cover art on the dust jacket and to be reminded that the Captain Hook of this story is not the one of the Disney cartoon telling of the Peter Pan story. Wonderful, thought-provoking retelling of the classic tale of Peter Pan. All the elements of the original story are present, but viewed from such a perspective that you can never look at them the same way again. As one individual was quoted on the book jacket, it is very Jungian, full of psychological weight and so seeded with metaphors and double entendres that sometimes it was hard to tell which story you were reading, though all of them were fascinating. I really couldn't put it down!
Do You like book Hook & Jill (2009)?
Written by one of my best friends from grade school/junior high/high school.
I found it to be an interesting spin on the "Peter Pan" ledgend
Can't find of copy of this anywhere. What's the deal?