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Hollow Fields: The Complete Collection (2009)

Hollow Fields: The Complete Collection (2009)

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4.09 of 5 Votes: 1
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1934876720 (ISBN13: 9781934876725)
Seven Seas

About book Hollow Fields: The Complete Collection (2009)

This is great! It's like Harry Potter meets Steampunk Frankenstein! Hollow Fields manages to be both cute and creepy at the same time. The artwork was beautiful, if a little carntoonish, and it was pretty short, all three volumes in one book. Lucy Snow, the main character is a very believable and relatable character. I liked how clumsy, gullible, immature and occasionally hot-headed she is, it makes her a much better protagonist than one that never makes any mistakes, yet she is also determined, loyal and kind, which brings her round to a great main character. The setting is original and eye-catching. The full-metal steampunk setting, with barely any greenery or living things that aren't grotesquely mutated or mutilated, really gives the feel of an alien landscape that is cut off from the safe and normal world - and it's safe and normal rules. The horror of the Windmill and the sinister experimentation of the Engineers, mixed with the everyday problems of being the new girl in school, bullying and making new friends, made for a really interesting set of conflicts for Lucy to overcome. I think the character that stuck with me the most was Simon - the one thing that left me dissatisfied about the story is that I wonder what ever happened to him after he helped Lucy and Claude escape the Windmill children. The battle amongst the engineers at the end was more comical than anything else, but got kind of old after a while - it might have been more entertaining if any of the combatants had been introduced earlier in the story. I really liked the fate of Principal Weaver, its a much more fitting punishment than merely dying - now she's the lab rat! All told, this was an excellent manga, I think anyone would enjoy it, so go find yourself a copy and enjoy! Hollowfields is such a cute story with so much action that it should please most readers. This is my 14 year old son's favorite story so far.Nine year old Lucy Snow is going to boarding school for the first time in the middle of the year. She gets lost and finds herself at a school. It's been raining and she is so hungry that she signs the school's contract just to stay inside. It doesn't take long for her to discover she has just joined a school for future mad scientists. Each Friday, a student with the lowest grades is sent to detention in the Windmill where they are never heard from again. Lucy wants to avoid the Windmill and sneaks out at night to find a dictionary in the library. What she finds is Dr Bleak, a speaking metal cube. Dr Bleak helps her with her assignments and help keeps her out of detention (but just barely because there are forces working against her).Through the course of the story, Lucy matures (as much as a nine year old can) and finds herself plotting to save the children from the Windmill and free all the students from HollowFields.There are some scenes that give you the history of the school and how it came to be. It's a rather predictable story but so engaging. Lucy is cute and animated but she's surrounded by all these gruesome experiments. She keeps a very Pollyanna attitude and becomes the hero at the end. There is some animated violence but it's done in such a way that it's not scary. There's a lot of humor and silly cartoon antics.

Do You like book Hollow Fields: The Complete Collection (2009)?

My first Manga. Loved it. Trying to decide if its to scary for Amelia.

Loved it. I would personally read it again.

One of the best I have read. Seriousl.y

Not a bad manga.

I loved it.

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