I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. It was also written better than I thought it'd be. CONS: It is not a romance. It is a novel with some romantic elements. I liked the chemistry between Kim and King, but I didn't get enough of it. There weren't enough steamy scenes for my taste either, but you can't have everything. PROS: I loved how flawed and unreliable Kim was. Unreliable narrators are hard to come by and I was surprised at this feature in Wendy's writing. I was especially intrigued with the details of the car accident that were revealed in the latter half of the story. Overall, I thought that this book had some great storytelling elements and she left room for a sequel, which I hope comes out soon. It starts off slowly at times with a lot of telling rather than showing and lengthy info dumps but then it gets very juicy at the 1/2 way mark. The main character is a mess. A successful black woman that seemingly has it all together, a total bitch on wheels.....but also a complete and total mess. Her bougie form of "ratchetness" made for a light, fun and entertaining summer read. It has some technical issues like a very rushed deus ex machina ending, but the book did exactly what it was intended to do.
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Stick to your show but still like u Wendy as a talk show host.
I finished it, but it didn't hold my interest.