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Hold Back The Night (1983)

Hold Back the Night (1983)

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3.58 of 5 Votes: 5
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0671458639 (ISBN13: 9780671458638)
pocket books

About book Hold Back The Night (1983)

Rating: 3.5 starsI have very mixed feelings about this book. I thought the characterisation and growth of the heroine was fantastic. Emotions were skilfully conveyed and I was invested in her story.My problem lies with the hero, a bitter and twisted sculptor who resents his blindness but loathes pity (or anything he views as pity). He was definitely a strong character and while there was chemistry between the two leads, the love part of the relationship is lacking. Really, he has a really funny way of showing he cares. (view spoiler)[And if the unicorn story at the end is supposed to make up for all the emotional trauma, he'd seriously better look up the definition of grovelling. (hide spoiler)]

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