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Hobby (1998)

Hobby (1998)

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0590371185 (ISBN13: 9780590371186)
apple (scholastic)

About book Hobby (1998)

The Story...This is the second book in the Merlin Trilogy and starts with a young Merlin leaving his burned down home. Before leaving, though, Merlin buries his 'family', Master Robin, Meg and Nell. Apparently, young Merlin foresaw the fire, but did not know how to interpret his prophetic dream at the time.The road brings him close to a nasty man who has a wish to sell Merlin, along with his horse and cow, however, again fate helps young Merlin, who manages to escape. He also meets a couple of gypsies in a nearby town, whose presence yet another dream has foreseen, these two bring a little joy into the life of young Merlin. However, Merlin is pure of heart and has little wish for lies, which eventually forces him to leave the company of Ambrosius and Viviane.My Thoughts...This book is clearly the second in a trilogy and I am afraid that I haven't read the book that came before. It presents us with a very different view of Merlin, the great mage who taught Arthur, but I quite like this portrayal. He is a kid like most kids, but with a very special gift, the one of prophetic dreams. Hobby is a short novel, and almost reads like a poem, it has a very poetic language. I am definitely going to read the first and third book!

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