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His Soul To Take (2011)

His Soul to Take (2011)

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3.65 of 5 Votes: 3
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1615818901 (ISBN13: 9781615818907)
Dreamspinner Press

About book His Soul To Take (2011)

Just awesome. As I said many times before, I'm real sucker for a dark setting in my stories and this one definitely had a dark feel about it. Don't get me wrong, it's very different from the others novels I usually call dark. There's no abuse, no torture, no twisted love just that consuming and smothering feeling of the near end of something special and beautiful. The bond between Simon and Robert felt very strong and they really seemed to be made for each other. The way they were drawn together, their love making, it's all so real that a mere thought of them being apart was just heartwrenching. Emotions didn't come across as flat or cheap just for the sake of drama the way many authors of pseudo dark stories do it neither. The idea itself wasn't exactly original but it was new to see it in MM genre, it kind of reminded me The Final Destination movie. Also one of a well-known thought was raised there once again. Are all people who can see things that others can't really insane or is it just a fear of stuff we can't control and understand that blinds us? This is a darker story than I usually read, but I really enjoyed it. The love scenes are tender and the emotion rings true. It has an unusual plot. Death discovers he is attracted to a young man whom he is supposed to take to the other side. Instead he falls in love and the other man likewise. I found myself aching for the man, though I couldn't figure out any resolve to his delimma. I wanted him to have satisfaction, but the circumstances seemed hopeless. The author takes us on an emotional journey that brings us to a surprising ending. I know you will like this one.

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