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His Secret Desire [complete Serial] (2000)

His Secret Desire [complete serial] (2000)

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About book His Secret Desire [complete Serial] (2000)

I had high hopes for this book. It sounded good and when I first started to read it was but then it became a struggle. Samantha has a good head on her shoulders. She’s a temp working at Strauss Engines and while having lunch with her friend she speaks her mind about the CEO Alexander Strauss. Of course he has to be behind her when she expressed her opinion about the man.She goes from working as a temp to being his personal assistant to help him with the biggest deal of the company and that’s when it starts going down from there. That whole part was rushed. She was kidnapped and Alex is the one to lead the search and rescue. They profuse their love for one another and together they piece who is behind it all and take down his father’s long time best friend. I almost didn’t want to finish this book but kept thinking that it was going to get better but it didn’t, at least not for me. I'm torn with this book, there were some aspects I absolutely loved and other bits I really hated that had me thinking "WTF?".You do have to suspend your thinking at some parts, which annoyed me.At the backbone of this book there was an excellent story that could have been fleshed out more.I know it is an 'erotica' book, but I did find myself fast-forwarding those scenes (because there were alot). Which was surprising because I read it purposefully because it was erotica, but I found myself wanting more of the actual story.One of the bits that really bugged me was when they have anal then she gives him a BJ immediately! Really? Ewwwwwwwww. He didn't even give himself a token clean, that's just rude and inconsiderate. Another thing, they have sex a number of times in the limo and they stand up during it, how can you stand up in a limo?

Do You like book His Secret Desire [complete Serial] (2000)?

He was just to weird sorry. Just couldn't get into it. Sex scenes were hot though

This is part of the Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set.

It's good erotic romance :)


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