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Highland Sorcerer (2012)

Highland Sorcerer (2012)

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Red Rover Books

About book Highland Sorcerer (2012)

This long novella was much more enjoyable than I expected, a very pleasant surprise indeed. There is quite a bit going on here in this series launch.The characters popped off the page for such a condense story. Charity Greves is the heroine and I liked her quite a bit. She was a modern woman who already knew about magic and embraced it. So there were not five or six chapters of her telling herself that nothing was real. The hero is Toren Limont. He is being held by an evil witch that wants to steal his magic. The rules of this fantasy world don’t allow magic to be stolen, only given freely. So the witch finds a shortcut through captivity and torture. Toren escapes into the future to find a healer and is led to modern day heroine Charity. He is only with her long enough for her to heal him because the witch has a tracking device on him and snatches him back. Toren has 3 siblings that I can't wait to read about. The ending was a cliffhanger for each of them.That's the nutshell but not all to the story. This is a very cheap e-book so if you want to know, go for it. You won't be disappointed. I already bought the next book because I know a good thing when I find it. Good Job Ms. Autrey! I will be keeping an eye on you.Final note -- there is no sex but there is brogue, kilts, and magic therefore I forgive the lack of sex plus the story didn't really reach a place to put it. I won this book through Goodreads First Reads.Charity is a healer. One day she unexpectedly gets a Highland visitor in her kitchen. Toren comes from hundreds of years ago. He is enslaved by a witch who wishs to combine their two powers and make all magic dark. He travels to the future to get healed by Charity. She must make the choice of healing him or going back in time to help free him from the witch. If she can free him. This story is full of wit and will have you laughing constantly. It keeps you on the edge of your seat.

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Pretty good... received the book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Loved the story and the characters. Great read! Highly recommend.

Very different but good. I truly enjoyed it.

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