A fun, light and easy book :) If you know me, you know why this book would appeal to me - 1) the main character's name is Margaret, 2) she's British, 3) I lived in the L.A. area for over 25 years and 4) when I visit my sister in L.A., we often go to tearooms! So it was perfect really. I loved that Margaret is an older lady (no, I'm not as old as her, lol) who had to make some life choices and didn't know what to do. I liked her perfectionism at first but willingness to change later. I liked that she didn't buy into the superficiality of the west coast lifestyle and remained true to her roots. The recipes in the back of the book are mostly for fun. Enjoy this book with a good cup of tea! This book was a quick read, and was pretty fluffy. There's not a lot of depth here, though most of the characters are likeable to some degree. I liked that the synopsis on the back cover didn't completely give away the story and that it wasn't totally predictable. I didn't like how the author changes from character to character as a narrator. It often wasn't done in any clear way and was kind of hard to follow who was thinking what, etc. There are even some 'thought comments' from extremely minor characters. An ok book, but I didn't love it.
Do You like book High Tea (2008)?
Don't judge a book by it's cover. Mid-life crisis and love scenes and the recipes are a joke.
The f bombs made me want to put it down, but was glad I didn't. Cute easy read