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Hier (2014)

Hier (2014)

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4.56 of 5 Votes: 2
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DuMont Buchverlag

About book Hier (2014)

Though it has been a long time since I have read a graphic novel, it wasn't difficult to remember why I once found so much pleasure in the genre. This particular novel is light on dialogue, but has one of the most expansive stories possible, a story that spans millions of years. While at first it may seem like a random collection of scenes occurring in the same spot throughout many millennia, there is more than enough continuity to manufacture a compelling narrative in the reader's mind. I was pleasantly intrigued with the concept and entertained by the final product. Well done. You know those pictures where someone is holding up an old photograph in front of the real-life current place? Well, this book is that in drawing form. It shows the a corner of the same house over hundreds of thousands of years, and even without any chronological order, it tells a beautiful story. It's gorgeously illustrated. It entranced me. And almost near the end, it had me a little teary. A truly brilliant concept. It even feels good in your hands. Pick it up, and flip through it for half an hour. Then flip through it again the next day. You'll get caught up in the wonderful history of it all.

Do You like book Hier (2014)?

Dang. Amazing book. All the power of things like Tree of Life minus the pretentiousness.

I've never seen anything like this, and it was lovely to page through and think about.


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