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He's No Prince Charming (2014)

He's No Prince Charming (2014)

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1455545554 (ISBN13: 9781455545551)

About book He's No Prince Charming (2014)

The story of Marcus and Danielle was slow going at first for me. It took getting deeper into the book for me to get engrossed. Once I was I could not put it down. Marcus is a beast in appearance, heavily scarred from being beaten by his father. He carries that darkness inside of him, but at the same time he is loyal and kind. He would risk everything to save his sister from a similar fate, and has done so in the past. Danielle has the power to save him and his sister if she is willing to open her heart to take the risk of loving him. Their journey together was both heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. They saw things in each other that no one else had taken the time to do. I enjoyed this book and if you want a different take on Beauty and the Beast give this a read. 4.5 stars for a fantastic debut by Elle Daniels!I love a good Beauty and the Beast tale. This book was clever in starting with The Beast, Marcus's, point of view. I felt his pain from minute one. There's nothing like falling in love with a tortured, wounded bird who needs some light shone on his soul. Elle Daniels had me crying already just 16% into the book. That is a QUICK connection to the characters for me. Impressive!I find it funny that some are complaining about the kidnapping aspect of this story and how easily it was swept under the rug by the "victims." Has no one actually read the fairy tale? It isn't pretty, as is true for most fairy tales. They are violent and ugly. Most just choose to remember the happily ever after and forget the rest. Not Elle Daniels. She tortures us with pages and pages of angst, misunderstandings, violence, shootings, inappropriate behavior without a chaperone, and other excitement befitting a historical romance.Excellent work! The only reason I took away a half point was for the editing. I almost glossed over that, but the misuse of several common words (horse instead of hoarse, distain instead of disdain) over a dozen times was too much for one book. Shame on the editor for spoiling Elle's story.I look forward to many more exciting tales from this author! She's one to watch out for!I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Do You like book He's No Prince Charming (2014)?

Great book and another new author for me I can't wait to read the next in this new series.

That was weird... Review to come, once I stop shaking my head in confusion.

It was cute.. Way better than few beauty and the beast retelling

Loved it! Can't wait to read more by this author.

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