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Her Accidental Boyfriend (2013)

Her Accidental Boyfriend (2013)

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3.94 of 5 Votes: 4
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1622661656 (ISBN13: 9781622661657)
Entangled: Bliss

About book Her Accidental Boyfriend (2013)

Really cute contemporary romance set in the fictional town of Cascade, Oregon. Kagan is incognito, having fled New York, her domineering father, and the boring man he wants her to form a merger, er, a marriage with. Nobody in Cascade knows she's the daughter of a rich celebrity turned businessman. She's serving drinks at the local pub and flirting with her customers, like Shane, but never taking it another step.But the not-quite-ex tracks her down, and to throw him off and encourage him to leave town, she claims she has a boyfriend, er, this guy right here, Shane. Shane is willing to go along with the ruse, and of course, they fall in love along the way.It's steamy, not explicit, so while there are hot kisses and caresses, the reader doesn't get to SEE it go farther. This did not bother me, but if you're looking for more, you may feel frustrated. Kagan is something of an uneven character, one moment all confidence and poise, at others with a backbone like silly string. Shane is supposed to be something of a bad boy/playboy, but he really is too nice to pull that off. The big ending felt a little too dramatic and overdone, though sweet. The integration of family and friends was very well done, definitely giving it the small town flavor.Overall I liked it very much, would recommend as a beach or airplane read. Wow! I am truly enamored with this story! I loved Shane and Kagan (awesome unique name) from Kissing the Maid of Honor. There playful banter in that book was hilarious. I loved how she brought him down a couple of notches. But in this story, we got to see their friendship develop in spite of their blazing attraction. It was so sweet! So endearing! And the swoon! Love love love that song and hadn't heard it in so long that I had to YouTube it. And it was so perfect for this book. Another amazing story in this series! Definitely looking forward to the next one!

Do You like book Her Accidental Boyfriend (2013)?

The whole accidental boyfriend thing came in way too smoothly. + Plain and boring characters,

Sweet ending, but I didn't feel as attached to the couple.

4 starsLoved Kagan and Shane's story :)


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