This was a really great book!At first I really didn't like Angeline, cause she was snooty and just too prim but I understand that she was brought up that way as Queen an everything. Very quickly I changed my mind! She cares a great deal for her kingdom and wants to be the best Queen that she can! She didn't let her situation get to her but for a couple times!Connor is great! At first he's this smart ass, hot Vampire who you don't know if you want to punch in the face or tell him you're all his. Even while being her kidnapper he was caring and thoughtful! It was cool to see a different approach to Wraiths- I've always seen wraiths written and said to be ghosts, and I can see that can kind of play her but in a physical/alive sense. This story was very easy to read and follow along to. I truly enjoyed the story, characters, and even their little history lessons.Can't wait to read book 2!I highly recommend this book! Old enemies, older rituals, and ancient covens prove to be just about more than this heiress can handle, yet she must to insure the safety of her kingdom, even if what they need to be protected from hides deep within her own soul. Cege Smith has created an intriguing world where everything seems to be normal, until it's not. 4 out of 5 stars for creativity, yet the lack of details made some of the scenes hard to picture. Indy writer, so please overlook the few (several) typos. Definitely recommend for all paranormal lovers out there.
Do You like book Heiress Of Lies (2012)?
I really liked this book. I've got to follow up with the second book.
Was not feeling this book, so I didn't bother finishing it.
Cute spin on vampires. series should have stopped here.