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Heaven's Fury (2000)

Heaven's Fury (2000)

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About book Heaven's Fury (2000)

Surely there is a diligent, hard-working, intelligent, well-liked, honest police officers in the world. I truly believe this. Why is it that no author has ever met or imagined these people? This is yet another book that focuses on a policeman that has nothing going for him and if living a life he doesn't like with a wife he doesn't love. And then we have the expected plot. Guess what happens...yes, a crime occurs that he should be a suspect in but instead of being investigated or stepping aside, he will use his anger and fury to hunt down the criminal and clear his name. *yawn* I think I've read this book several times, just with different cities and different names. Once I realized that, I put the book down. This is a Did Not Finish in my library. I like Stephen Frey novels. I believe that I have read all his novels. They are usually quick, easy reads that you keep turning the page. Again, this novel is no different. The characters presented are likable and uncomplicated so that the plot is what stands out. Taking place in the Wisconsin north, Mr Frey describes the setting quite well so that it is vivid in your mind but at the same time doesn't bog down the pace of the tale. For a quick weekend read when it is to cold to go out, this author is perfect!

Do You like book Heaven's Fury (2000)?

actually a pretty good story, but I did not like the way the "hero" acted a lot of the time.

Another first time read author for me. And I will be reading him again.

an okay story. Reminds me of the Longmire series

A waste of time.

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