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Heavenly Hell (2000)

Heavenly Hell (2000)

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About book Heavenly Hell (2000)

Trapped in the body of a 17-year-old, beautiful fallen angel Indianna pretends to be a normal teenage girl by day, while at night she goes around and punishes any man who abuses woman or hurts them in any way. When a mysterious boy comes to town she instantly knows something isn't right, but will he end up her ally or will he cost her her life?Heavenly Hell was an intriguing take on the fallen angel and a non-stop thrilling read that made me want to keep turning the page to find out what was going to happen next. All the characters were strong and believable, especially Indy, who was a strong and kick-butting teenager, which I absolutely loved. Then came along Nate, the Demon slayer whose job was to kill Indy because his boss told him she was a demon and he was unsure of the truth.For a fallen angel story it had it's own uniqueness which was great to see and Indy had her own backstory and history that was hinted at throughout the story which made for a great story. I look forward to reading the next in the series and I recommend this to anyone who loves the paranormal genre, especially those fallen angel stories. ***RRC received by author***Indy is no normal 17 year old teenager!!She is a fallen angel that is hundreds of years old. She is a kick-ass advocate for women's rights everywhere and I loved her story!!I did find it a little difficult to get into at first, however I knew going in, this was part of a series, therefore I understood we were being introduced to all the characters etc. Once the story really got going I found it extremely hard to put down!You have all the 'normal' teenage drama going on, as well as this angst as to how it is that the new kid in town 'Nate' ties into the story. One character that truly surprised me was Matt. I adored this kid by the end off the book, and am very much looking forward to read more about him in the future. I LOVE multiple POVsI believe they give a lot more depth to a story. I am eager to find out what happens with the little love triangle that has started. This is truly a beautiful written story! I am happy to recommend, I hope everyone love 'Heavenly Hell' as much as I did.

Do You like book Heavenly Hell (2000)?

4.5 to 4.7I LOVED ITTT. Can't wait to read the next book *dance*

Fantastic book! Can't wait to read more from this author!

nice story...Love Indy!

I hate Nate.

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