I enjoyed the characters and the basic story, but there were some parts that caused me to feel confused. I'd be reading along and I'd go: Huh? I think I missed something. When I'd look back I hadn't missed anything but it just that the felt like the scene had jumped a bit or the info being revealed was a little disconnected. It didn't really effect the plot but it would interrupt the flow of my reading and knock me out of the story. If there was a way to have a "minus" star sign, this book probably would get it. :(I'm sorry to say I could not find a redeeming quality in this story, not in the cardboard characters, the unbelievable plot and christian undercurrent.Moreover, I believe that the native american portrait is slightly racist (the brother as a wise man...)Nothing in it is fantasy, but nothing is realistic. (Would you believe that a famous rockstar is restraining from sex? A rockstar! A lawyer would have been more acceptable with the rest of the plot, too... :)
Do You like book Heart Of The Wild (2006)?
Enjoyed reading this book. I finished it in a day.
Nice love story..but not too exciting.