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Harry And Horsie (2009)

Harry and Horsie (2009)

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3.93 of 5 Votes: 2
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0061755982 (ISBN13: 9780061755989)
Balzer + Bray

About book Harry And Horsie (2009)

Harry and Horsie is a wonderful mix of friendship and adventure. Katie writes an immensely amusing and fun story for children to grasp onto and accompanied by the visually appealing artwork, this book is sure to be a hit with kids. Who wouldn't want to take an adventure into space on a rocket ship to find their lost toys and best friend Horsie that were carried away by bubbles? I sure enjoyed it and look forward to telling my family and friends about this amazing children's book! A true classic every child should read, or have read to them! 27 months - borrowed this from the library after reading and loving the second book Cookie Bot. Love the illustrations and the hints to Canadian roots, a CN train and the French store with the name Regina (a Canadian city). We enjoyed the story although Cookie Bot is slightly better in our opinion. Harry's love for his pal Horsie is super cute and O can relate as she has a few good pals of her own. A great adventure and we hope there are many more.

Do You like book Harry And Horsie (2009)?

imaginative tale of boy and bubbles and favorite animal. nicely drawn too!

note to self: context clues

He is soo cute!!!


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