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Harp's Song (2014)

Harp's Song (2014)

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4.08 of 5 Votes: 5
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Cassie Shine

About book Harp's Song (2014)

Harp met Conner on her first day of middle school. They had been inseparable ever since. He kept her from becoming a recluse all through the next eight years of school. He was always there, he understood the wreck that was her home life. Hows he loved her music. He was the brother, friend and confidant she never had. His family took her in. Became the family she never had. Gave her love and courage. Then in their senior year, everything changes, Their feelings become deeper. Conner admits he has always loved Harp, and she returns his passion. Next to her cello, he is the best hing to ever enter her life. He makes her feel cherished and loved. Something her abusive mother never did. When her mother finally opens up and explains her own ruined life and the demons she has faced, does Harp begin to understand a little of why he mother has been so horrible, But that doesn't excuse the abuse she has heaped upon an innocent child. As Harp tries to come to terms with the horrifying story of her conception, she is thrust into the limelight of being the handsomest guy in schools girlfriend, The big party is coming up, and she wants to be all Conner expects. What she doesn't expect is to come face to face with the man of her mothers past!This is something she can't share with Conner, Something she and her mother have to deal with. She must, if she is to ever go to college, become her own woman, and have her dreams of playing her cello in an orchestra.Can Harp and Conner build a life together? Can she ever forgive her mom for the horrors she has put her through? will she ever realize her dream? Wonderfully written! I highly recommend Ms. Shine be added to your list of favorite authors! Book Review-Harp’s Song by Cassie ShineHarp is finally a senior in high school. Her tortured time with her mother is almost done. She is excited to go to college. Her music is her life and she has tried to focus on her goals no matter what else happens in her life. She will miss Connor, her best friend, but he will only be eight hours away. She doesn’t know what she would do without him. He has been there when she needed him every time.Things are changing with Connor and she isn’t sure how she feels about it, but he is the most important person in her life. She will figure out the best way to move forward. However when her mother reveals some shocking news and the past comes back smacking Harp in the face, she is sent into a tailspin. She doubts herself for the first time and feels those around her deserve better than her. Her life spirals out of controls she strives to numb herself to the pain and anger she feels.This was a powerful story. The reader can see how strong Harp is and immediately dislike her mother. However when the secrets from the past come out the reader is left reeling. I like the way the story evolved and how Harp’s friends never gave up trying to help her. I also liked the message of never being afraid to ask for help. I give it a 4 out of 5.

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