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Hard Tail (2012)

Hard Tail (2012)

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1619210398 (ISBN13: 9781619210394)
Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

About book Hard Tail (2012)

This was such a fun read! I loved Tim. He wasn't the super duper "I am Alpha, hear me roar" type that saturates the M/M genre and he wasn't the "I'm too sexy for my shirt/don't you want me, baby" super duper fly so gorgeous he'd make Jensen Ackles cry type either. He was just an average guy, knocking on thirty, trying to navigate his way through some pretty major life changes.I laughed a lot reading this book and I didn't expect to so that was a plus. The plot in and of itself doesn't break new ground but the characters are likeable and engaging and the romance is sweet. I really enjoyed this one. It wasn't my favourite Merrow story, but it was still bloody good and also tackled an issue which needs more attention of domestic abuse against men.I liked how smoothly everything else seemed to work out, life isn't always a constant struggle, sometimes people and circumstances surprise us and there's no point in fretting and speculating how something will turn out, because you'll never truly know until it happens.

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Holy hotness batman, this was just what the dr ordered! Review soon.

I really love J.L Merrow's writing and her characters.

Exploring new genres and came across this.Loved it.

Sweet story.

3.5 stars

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