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Hard Landing: The Epic Contest For Power And Profits That Plunged The Airlines Into Chaos (1996)

Hard Landing: The Epic Contest for Power and Profits That Plunged the Airlines into Chaos (1996)

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0812928350 (ISBN13: 9780812928358)
crown business

About book Hard Landing: The Epic Contest For Power And Profits That Plunged The Airlines Into Chaos (1996)

Hard Landing by Thomas Petzinger is one of the most comprehensive overviews of the airline industry and its subsets. This book not only covers the major players and looks at the personal lives of the titans who built the industry but also the rise and fall of companies such as Pan Am, Eastern and TWA. It focuses mostly on United and American but also looks at groups like Southwest, Frontier and Barniff. From the struggles of deregulation to the price wars of the 1980's this is one of the most comprehensive overviews. What is also nice about the book is the time spent on the related industries especially the travel agents. The book looks at how travel agents structures changed after deregulation and what happened in the hotel, rental car and service industries as a result of the airlines. Finally one of the most interesting parts of the book was the development of the computerized registration systems and their effect on air travel. From yield management of what to charge per ticket to maximizing flights in the air the numbers game of the airline industry is shown in all its glory. Overall just a fascinating book to read and very well executed.

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