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Hantise (2011)

Hantise (2011)

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3.75 of 5 Votes: 3
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2012021549 (ISBN13: 9782012021549)
Hachette Jeunesse

About book Hantise (2011)

2.5 stars. This novel has an interesting premise and structure, but beyond that, it's pretty terrible. It reads like a first draft. Gaping plot holes. Flat characters. Obvious red herrings. The killer's motivations are murky, questionable, and contrived. Emotionless protagonist. We don't ever see Jane's heartbreak or astonishment when she figures out who's trying to kill her; instead, she just gloats about having figured it out. The author glossed over difficult moments, probably because they were too hard to write. While the premises of the book sounded promising. a girl found hit by a car who can not remember what happened to her but thinks someone is trying to kill her but no one believes her, the book was a let down. A quarter of it was spent emphasizing her explaining how she was so popular with the perfect boyfriend and everyone loves her. She had two best friends who are also part of her popular group and all of them are just so gorgeous. The main character is annoying and unlikable. The author throws in occsionasionally some stuff to try to make her seem friendlier but she still comes off as a selfish high school girl who only cares about herself. There were so many areas that could have been used to actually teach good lessons but instead the author kept chosing to have the characters be bad examples and never learn from anything. The main character is subsurvient to her boyfriend to the point of almost abuse, she uses people and has them hate her but never apologizes or admits to any wrong, and the list goes on. Even in the end, the the person after her is a joke. The reason behind everything is the dumbest thing ever and I was astonished the author was able to get away with this ending.

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this book was insane in all the right way. it was amazing

I couldn't wait for the ending. Nice twist.

This book was full of awful cliches

Ehhh gave up

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