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Großstadtgemüseals Bauer In Brooklyn (2010)

Großstadtgemüseals Bauer In Brooklyn (2010)

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2.71 of 5 Votes: 2
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3471350608 (ISBN13: 9783471350607)

About book Großstadtgemüseals Bauer In Brooklyn (2010)

Wow, this guy was super unlikable. I also didn't understand the narrative structure in the very beginning. Why did we need that anecdote about him trying to build a raft to get across the East River? Why did we need to know about how he and his wife met? Also, it seemed like he didn't do much research and just decided to fly by the seat of his pants the entire time, he didn't engage with the urban ag community, either. His actions just didn't make sense to me. If you want a good story about someone trying to sustain themselves from their farm, read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, or The Dirty Life. This is a crazy read about a man who takes on a writing assignment about growing enough food to live off of for a month in his back yard. He seems to half ass everything I can't imagine the money spent on supplies and animals he kills with lack of knowledge. We bounce from his story to stories about his childhood and history lessons about New York. This is definitely not something I will read again.

Do You like book Großstadtgemüseals Bauer In Brooklyn (2010)?

This book did not deliver. There were a few interesting sections, but it was all over the place.

The author was cruel and clueless. Did not finish this book.

Horrid, inhumane, adult ADD author. DON'T waste your time!

Great book. Makes me not want to be a farmer, again.

Funny and disgusting by turns. Like life I guess.

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