Bobby is a Skye Terrier who makes his abode in Greyfriars, Scotland. (When you say his name, make sure to pronounce it in a British/Scottish accent. Sounds better like that, of course.) This happy "little ruffian of a terrier" lived during Queen Victoria's reign--his true story begins in 1858 and takes the course of many years thereafter. Bobby has a very courageous story..."It was a notable feat for a small creature whose tufted legs were not more than six inches in length, whose thatch of long hair almost swept the roadway and caught at every burr and bramble, and who was still so young that his nose could not be said to be educated."The most important factor in Bobby's little life is Auld Jock, his constant companion and master. However, in the words of Auld Jock, "Bobby isna ma ain dog."--'Tis a sad fact, but true. Bobby is really a stray, although he knows with all his heart where his loyalties reside. Auld Jock and Bobby only have each other to rely on--no one else is let into their close-knit friendship. "A hap, an' a stap, an' a loup, an' in ye gang. Loup in, laddie."The Scottish accent and words grow on you as the book progresses. The glossary in the back is the only thing that guided me through some of the complicated conversations.Bobby's merry life comes to an abrupt halt when the unthinkable happens. The very thing that made and completed his life is taken away. To other people, Auld Jock was just a shepherd, who nobody really remembers... except for one important friend. This is loyalty of a dog at its finest.Greyfriars Bobby was written by Eleanor Atkinson in 1912. She lived in Indiana and was an author, journalist, and teacher. It is known that she at least visited Edinburgh once, giving her a starting place to write an account of this true story. Her version of Greyfriars Bobby was originally written for adults, but any age would enjoy the precious story. I think it is wonderful and delightful. Quite possibly it is my absolute favorite book.
Gw membeli bku ini dgn napsu, pertama hrganya murah (karena diskon dan bku lama). Kedua ini kisah nyata dan terakhir yang ga kalah penting ini tentang anjing! Mahkluk hidup paling manis sedunia setelah gw..hehe..Dan ketika gw membaca bab2 awal gw rada bete, cerita dituliskan dengan deskriptif sih, gw bisa masuk kedalam cerita dan membayangkan sudut2 kota Edinburgh dimasa itu, merasakan pergolakan batin Auld Jack tua yang miskin dan kesepian dan yah gw seperti mengenal Bobby sendiri. Tapi kadang terlalu deskriptif sampe gw bosen, dan disisi lain ini trgolong karya klasik, so ada beberapa kalimat yang menurut gw ber”bunga2” Penasaran apakah buku ini bisa membuat gw menangis seperti kisah Marley, gw lanjut membaca. Dan sukurlah jauh sebelum tengah buku gw mulai bisa menikmati jalan ceritanya. Pada akhirnya inti dari cerita adalah Bobby, si Sky Terrier kecil berbulu panjang keperak2an, yang begitu setia dan sayang sama tuannya, yang selama 14 tahun, menjaga makam tuannya dan hanya pergi saat siang hari untuk makan, bahkan dimusim salju, disaat cuaca ekstrim ia juga disana. Ga perduli berapa orang berusaha membujuk dan membawanya pergi, ia selalu kembali. Tidak perduli harus melewati hutan, sungai sampai menuruni tebing curam yang melukainya Bobby selalu kembali, ia ingin ada didekat tuannya selalu. Pada akhirnya cerita ini sukses menguras emosi gw. Terutama membayangkan bahwa ini bukan fiksi, ini kisah nyata. Bobby benar2 pernah hidup, dan sebuah patung telah dibuat untuk menjadi simbol kenangan akan kesetiaannya. "...sebab jika didunia ini tidak mendapat lebih banyak kasih sayang daripada tempat yang tersedia disurga Allah, Bobby pasti akan pulang"(p.277)5 bintang buat Bobby, but 4 is fair enough buat bab2 awal yang sempat bikin gw bete :)
Do You like book Greyfriars Bobby (2006)?
Oh, I loved this book. I never read it as a child and to be honest it probably would have been lost on me through the language. Not the dialect, though even as a Scot some of it was too thick for me to translate, but as a child I was more into Point Horror and The Babysitters Club.Enough about me though, and let's talk about the wee sonsie doggie. I've never read something where the character was so well crafted and who attached themselves so deeply to the reader without a single word spoken or thought shared. I could practically hear his little feet padding about and the slap of his ears as he shook himself. I fell in love with Bobby, and his heartbreaking story.And the story is so richly told, it's no wonder it has lasted the generations. Such a simple tale, but one that will never get old. I've got picture books and abridged versions of this story to share with my children, as I don't think they should wait until adulthood like I did to discover this book.
。・゚゚・(>_<)・゚゚・。..mengharukan~ tapi si guguknya tetap bersemangat~♥ Aku suka!
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—Bunga Mawar