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Green Is A Chile Pepper: A Book Of Colors (2014)

Green Is a Chile Pepper: A Book of Colors (2014)

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1452102031 (ISBN13: 9781452102030)
Chronicle Books

About book Green Is A Chile Pepper: A Book Of Colors (2014)

Green is a Chile Pepper by Roseanne Greenfield Thong is a wonderful concept book for young learners, even up to the lower primary grades. Through the use of rhyme, Green is a Chile Pepper teachers readers the concept of color. The best part is that this book isn’t like the typical concept book, it is bilingual! Green is a Chile Pepper uses Spanish and English to not only teach the colors but to also provide readers with a sense of Hispanic cultures. I think the book is fantastic! I would use it in my classroom – especially if it were diverse – to provide students with a chance to see a world culture other than their own, or for students to see their culture represented in literature. I would highly recommend this book to parents or teachers who either represent multiple cultural backgrounds or those who are living in diverse communities. I am such a sucker for color concept books and this one is MAGIC! It is beautiful, it has heart, and it invites readers to SEE the world, to look, to feel, to listen, to smell, to taste, and to have fun! Roseanne Greenfield Thong’s simple verse is sprinkled with Spanish, which absolutely enriches the experience of reading this book. GREEN IS A CHILE PEPPER will call to all your senses and will be wonderful to share in a classroom, a library, or on a lap.

Do You like book Green Is A Chile Pepper: A Book Of Colors (2014)?

A little girl discovers all the bright colors in her Hispanic American neighborhood.

Love, love love, the art. Cannot wait to share with our Spanish teacher.

More solid work from the author of Round is a Tortilla!

Lovely and perfect for story time!

My own children love this book.

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