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Greasy Rider: Two Dudes, One Fast-Food-Fueled Car, And A Cross-Country Trip In Search Of A Greener Future (2008)

Greasy Rider: Two Dudes, One Fast-Food-Fueled Car, and a Cross-Country Trip in Search of a Greener Future (2008)

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1565125959 (ISBN13: 9781565125957)
Algonquin Books

About book Greasy Rider: Two Dudes, One Fast-Food-Fueled Car, And A Cross-Country Trip In Search Of A Greener Future (2008)

I read "Greasy Rider" by Greg Melville. This book is about two guys who want to see if they can make their way from Vermont to California without stopping at a single gas station. How is this possible? French fry grease is their answer. These guys have rigged up their engine so that it uses french fry grease as a fuel. Along the way, they stop at many energy plants to investigate greener alternatives to oil. They beg, steal, and hunt for grease on this hilarious yet eye opening journey. I really liked how these two guys were daring enough to go on a quest like this. It seems like it should be impossible, but they prove that it is not. I liked all of the comedy that Melville adds into the book. The two guys are always making fun of something, and this makes the book very entertaining to read. I was always anxious to see what Greg was going to say next. Also, I really liked the point that they proved. They really did prove that not many people understand that there are alternatives to oil, and these guys sure demonstrated that. There was not much that I did not like about this book. If I had to pick one thing, it would be that the guys did not really explain the downsides to the alternatives such as solar energy or corn oil. It's obvious that there must be at least a few downsides to each of those options, but Melville did not really exploit those. Overall, this is a great book. I would recommend this to anyone, but especially to a person who has interest in the enviornment. It is a hilarious journey which talks about our earth, and it is enjoyable for anyone. Two men from Burlington, Vermont, buy a 20-year old Mercedes Diesel, and after some modifications, attempt to drive the vehicle to San Francisco buying no Petro Diesel en route. The fuel source is to be waste vegetable oil discarded by junk-food establishments. This clunker draws plenty of attention on the trip due to the fact that it smells like french fries. The author also presents his views on what is known today as alternate energy sources. He visits various locations and interviews experts on the subject. A quick and fun read.

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wonderful book. I'm surprised there aren't more like it out there yet...

I am liking this book for it's facts and current influences.

Humorous style of writing and informative

found on Rachel V's page

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