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Gravitational Force (2014)

Gravitational Force (2014)

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3.61 of 5 Votes: 1
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M/M Romance Group @ Goodreads

About book Gravitational Force (2014)

Nice little story about two college students/roommates falling for each other. Lots of physics references from the "nerdy" partner, and some adorable shyness from the somewhat less confident, if physically stronger guy made me smile.Luke may look tall and strong, but he is really very shy. He has a crush on his roommate Nate, but the guy has a boyfriend. Luke really wants to be there for Nate when his grandfather dies, and is very sweet about supporting him. And after a long, shared drive back to college, they finally open up to each other.If yo like reading about two young men who are just beginning to figure out life, and each other, then you will probably like this free short story. Nate and Luke are roommates. Luke has harboured an unrequited love towards Nate since he first met him over a year prior. Nate has a ‘boyfriend’ who is a complete jerk. Luke really wants to be with Nate but is way too shy. Well, something happens at home and Nate has to go back. Luke, being an overall good guy, decides to support Nate, even if his boyfriend won’t. One thing leads to another…..I thought this was an overall very cute story.

Do You like book Gravitational Force (2014)?

3.5 short and sexy with a little punch of emotion that I didn't expect at the end.

Nice story. Nicely written. Sweet and sexy.

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