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Google Speaks: Secrets Of The Worlds Greatest Billionaire Entrepreneurs, Sergey Brin And Larry Page (2009)

Google Speaks: Secrets of the Worlds Greatest Billionaire Entrepreneurs, Sergey Brin and Larry Page (2009)

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3.41 of 5 Votes: 5
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047039854X (ISBN13: 9780470398548)
John Wiley & Sons

About book Google Speaks: Secrets Of The Worlds Greatest Billionaire Entrepreneurs, Sergey Brin And Larry Page (2009)

I wouldn't have finished it if I thought it was less than a 3. That said the book was kind of all over the place and didn't give a really formalized story of the Google Founders or details about setting up their business. It was a lot of broad strokes to give interesting facts about the company, not a book where I learned their story in depth (or even just parts of their story) that I could use for my own career or development. It was a very interested read, however the layout of it was a bit chaotic. In a way this kind of fit along with how the author was presenting Google as an organization. However, more than anything it just seemed to be a collection of tidbits that the author found while surfing the internet. Still, the thing that this book really reins in on is the fact that there are few other books that really try to delve into how google was founded, what it is about, how they run things, etc. For that it is still a good read.

Do You like book Google Speaks: Secrets Of The Worlds Greatest Billionaire Entrepreneurs, Sergey Brin And Larry Page (2009)?

A must-read company profile for knowledge workers, managers, directors, C-levels, and entrepreneurs.

Lots of cool information and details about Google, but seems like it only goes up to 2009.

Will start soon. Hopefully it helps me with my investing.

Mejor que thr google story


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