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Good Self, Bad Self: Transforming Your Worst Qualities Into Your Biggest Assets (2012)

Good Self, Bad Self: Transforming Your Worst Qualities into Your Biggest Assets (2012)

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3.49 of 5 Votes: 3
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1451649991 (ISBN13: 9781451649994)
Free Press

About book Good Self, Bad Self: Transforming Your Worst Qualities Into Your Biggest Assets (2012)

I was intrigued by this title because I've noticed that some aspects of my personality seem both good and bad, and I can see ways the same trait has both helped me succeed and caused some problems. Unfortunately, the book didn't live up to my expectations. The author rushes through too much, everything from the good and the bad of ambition to addictions to when it's OK to go with the flow, without going into any detail about any of it (she does mention titles of other books that do). I wasn't that fond of the many superficial celebrity and headline news examples, either, such as Naomi Campbell, P. Diddy and Lindsey Lohan. **I received a free copy of this book as a First Reads Giveaway.** Smith uses lots of examples in the book but nothing juicy or new. That made me stop and think...what did I think this book was about anyway? I guess I wanted it to along the storylines of the TV show Scandal but that is written by Shonda Rhimes. After stepping back and reading the book on its own merit it helped me think about how I handled crisis in my life...believe me things will be handled differently after reading this book. Know how to navigate the big seven: ego, denial, fear, ambition, accomandations, patience, and indulgence. Even more importantly master the art of apologies and know how to navigate a crisis. Smith is a genius.

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The narrator of this audiobook is just awful.

Can't wait for this to arrive!


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