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Good Night, Sleep Tight (2012)

Good Night, Sleep Tight (2012)

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3.72 of 5 Votes: 5
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Scholastic, Inc.

About book Good Night, Sleep Tight (2012)

A fun book which includes Mother Goose rhymes into the story line. The babysitter recites a number of rhymes to the children as they are going to bed. Also there is a nice originial rhyming refrain between rhymes. While the cartoon style of illustration is not my favorite, I did enjoy the illustrations in this title. Great to see Mother Goose presented in a unique way, but in a normal way of the bedtime ritual with the babysitter. Sometimes you read a book so artful and perfect you wish that you'd written yourself, Mem Fox books are those books for me, especially this one.Bonnie and Ben are getting ready for bed and their favorite babysitter Skinny Doug recites nursery rhymes, which the duo can't get enough of. This read aloud has a great refrain and many beloved rhymes which young listeners just might chine in on! PreK-2.

Do You like book Good Night, Sleep Tight (2012)?

This is not exactly what I expected, sort of weak story line stringing nursery rhymes together.

Evan loved this book and the old rhymes


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