About book Goldilocks And Just The One Bear. Leigh Hodgkinson (2012)
I really loved the rendering treatment with these illos, especially on the bear. Scratchy, painty deliciousness. I was purring with delight. The distressed treatment is wonderfully counterbalanced by the cleanness of the outlines and shapes. They have a designed look about them. Very lovely. The story is also really clever and fun, especially with the twist at the end and the lack of self awareness of the main character. Fabbo. This story is a clever twist on the classic Goldilocks and the Three Bears story. The story starts with a bear that decides to go for a walk but ends up lost in the big city. In need of some peace and quiet and somewhere for a little sit down he ends up in ‘Snooty towers’ where he tries to make himself as comfortable as a bear can in an apartment! This has some disastrous consequences and at the end of the story the bear is reunited with his old friend - Goldilocks. I think this book would be particularly suitable to read aloud to a KS1 class who will love the colourful pictures and the thought of the naughty bear. However, I did also use this book with my year 6 class to introduce the concept of twisted tales before they wrote their own twisted tale, and even they appreciated this clever re-telling of a well-loved classic.
Do You like book Goldilocks And Just The One Bear. Leigh Hodgkinson (2012)?
Clever twist on an old tale. good for connections and lessons on inference.
Modern reunion of Goldilocks and Baby Bear