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Going Solo (2001)

Going Solo (2001)

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0141311428 (ISBN13: 9780141311425)

About book Going Solo (2001)

جنگ جهانی دوم، از نگاه یه انگلیسی جوان خلبان.بعضی قسمتهاش جالب بود.***رولد دال برای کار در شرکت نفت میره آفریقا. جنگ جهانی دوم شروع میشه و انگلیسی های جوانِ ساکن آفریقا رو میکنن افسر ارتش. روزی که شروع جنگ رسما اعلام میشه، رئیس دال بهش میگه بره تو جاده جلوی راه آلمانی هایی که قصد فرار دارن رو بگیره و اسیرشون کنه. (آلمانی هایی که تو آفریقا زندگی می کردن و غیرنظامی بودن.) دال میگه تعدادشون زیاده، اگه مسلح بودن چی؟ رئیسش میگه با مسلسل کلکشون رو بکنید، با مسلسل میشه 500 تا مرد مسلح رو درو کرد. دال میگه اگه زن و بچه همراهشون بود چی؟ رئیسش میگه ابتکار عمل با خودته!خلاصه میره تو جاده می ایسته و موفق میشه جلوی فرارشون رو بگیره و اسیرشون کنه (و البته این وسط یه آلمانی هم کشته میشه.)شب میره خونه، می فهمه خدمتکار آفریقایی ش وقتی شنیده جنگ شروع شده، رفته با شمشیر (!) سر آلمانی همسایه شون رو قطع کرده. دال شوکه میشه، ولی چیزی بهش نمیگه؛ «نمی خواستم او را به خاطر کاری که انجام داده بود سرزش کنم. او یک آفریقایی وحشی بود که به دست ما اروپایی ها در قالب خدمتکاری خانگی درآمده بود و حالا قالب را شکسته بود.»خب معلومه کاری که اون آفریقایی کرده برای ما خیلی وحشیانه و غیرمعمول به نظر میاد، اما نکته جالب اینجاست؛ اون وقتی که رئیسش بهش میگه اگه مجبور شدی 500 تا مرد غیر نظامی رو بکش، حتی اگه همراه زن و بچه بودن، دال قبول میکنه و میره ماموریتش رو انجام بده، اما در مقابل کشته شدن یه آلمانی این طوری شوکه میشه. چون قرار بوده اون مردها خیلی تمیز و شیک با مسلسل کشته بشن! و به دست یه انگلیسیِ باکلاس، نه یه آفریقاییِ خدمتکارِ وحشی!***دال خلبان جنگ میشه. یه جا ماموریت داره بره یه زمینی تو فلسطین رو بررسی کنه ببینه برای فرودگاه شدن مناسبه یا نه. میرسه اونجا می بینه یه مزرعه بزرگ ه که یه زن و مرد با 40-50 تا بچه یتیم اونجا زندگی میکنن. مرد میگه ما یهودی های تبعیدی هستیم. از او پرسیدم: این زمین مال شماست؟گفت: هنوز نه.پرسیدم: یعنی امیدوارید که بتوانید آن را بخرید؟او مدتی ساکت مرا نگاه کرد و بعد گفت: در حال حاضر این زمین متعلق به یک کشاورز فلسطینی است، اما به ما اجازه داده که در اینجا زندگی کنیم و برای تامین خورد و خوراکمان، کشت و زرع کنیم.از او پرسیدم: پس شما و این بچه ها از اینجا به کجا می روید؟او لبخندی زد و گفت: ما به جایی نمی رویم، همینجا می مانیم.گفتم: پس همه تان فلسطینی می شوید، شاید همین الان هم فلسطینی هستید؟او بدون رودربایستی، دوباره لبخندی زد و گفت: نه، فکر نمی کنم که فلسطینی شویم... وقتش شده که ما هم برای خودمان یک کشور داشته باشیم...

I read an autobiography book called Going Solo by Roald Dahl. Roald Dahl is one of the greatest authors that I know, he wrote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and many other great books. The whole story is about Dahl’s life working with Shell Oil Company in Africa and joining the Royal Air Force and fight in the World War 2. Dahl’s life is adventurous and fun, but also deadly and dangerous. Sometimes this book is hard to believe even though it is based on the true events. The biggest reason is because he is unbelievably lucky. For example, when he fights German planes and he got shot at and got hit everywhere except his engine. “The Airman said: ‘Blimey mate, this kite’s got so many ‘oles in it, it looks like it’s made out of chicken wire.”(GS p. 152) Also, in that same battle the famous pilot Pat Pattle died when an amateur pilot like Dahl survived. “Four were killed. Among the dead was the great Pat Pattle, all his lucky lives used up at last.” (GS P. 153) However, the letters and the pictures in the middle of the book made the story very realistic. Dahl inserted letters that he sent to his mom in many chapters. Those helped me understand the story because I learned how Dahl felt and what was going on. Also his writing style when he describes things made me feel I was right there with Dahl. When Dahl was getting ready to take off I was already climbing up the plane next to Dahl. Going Solo is basically sharing Dahl’s memory and experiences. Compared to Dahl’s other fiction books I like Going Solo more. Even though this is an autobiography it was as unbelievable and fun as fiction books. I think Dahl really wanted to share his experiences in Africa. Honestly reading books is not one of my favorite things to do, but Going Solo is a book that I really liked. If I had to choose one book to recommend to others, Going Solo would be that book.

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I wish I could say I have been all over the world, have crashed landed a plane, or have shot-down German aces, which is why I really admire Roald Dahl. Dahl leaves England at age twenty one to work for the Shell oil company in Africa. Dahl worked in Africa until the outbreak of World War II, when he enlisted in the RAF and learned to fly warplanes. After becoming a pilot officer, Dahl fought in Greece as it was overtaken by the Germans. Dahl’s book “Going Solo” tells all about his adventures with vivid detail. He describes lion attacks and dog fights with a classic British style that portrays the attitudes of the characters he interacted with so well that you feel as though you new them. After reading the book, I felt like I had met ex-patriots from India, RAF veterans in the midst of battle, African natives chasing lions, and Jewish refugees dreaming of their homeland. While reading, I still laughed out loud during most pages at his characteristically British wit that is almost tongue-in cheek. Perhaps more than any other feeling the reader gets a sense of awe for the adventures of he and his generation, along with an inspiration to go on grand escapades yourself.

Following on from Boy, Going Solo was another tremendously important book to me as a child. Where I could relate to his boyhood tales in some way, the next part of his life was a complete window to another world. Read then it was extraordinary and magical; read now I appreciate it on different levels entirely.Dahl mentions how lucky he felt to have witnessed the later days of colonial Britain and the people that made the empire. All negative issues relating to Colonialism aside (I'm not going to go there and neither does Dahl) I completely understand what he means. The first half detailing his time in Africa working for the Shell Company is brilliant; a window to a life that no longer exists, with long boat journeys, quirky slightly mad Englishmen (and ladies) abroad, the culture and way of life. It's clearly romanticised; a big adventure, but then it's portrayed with such vigour and love that you can see the appeal to a fresh faced early-20 year old. I would have loved it (and probably still would). As a boy it made me dream of African countryside, baking suns, lions, deadly snakes and a different world.The second part, detailing his experiences in the war as a pilot is equally enthralling though very different in tone. This was my first exposure to the second world war in any real way (back at primary school in the late-80s - we didn't cover the wars until secondary school and my subsequent interest developed a few years after that) and Dahl makes it all seem jolly exciting. Almost over before he began, his initial adoration of flying is powerfully detailed before his (more truthfully documented) account of the crash that put him in hospital for 6 months. After, we have a series of raids and dogfights which become somewhat mechanical and repetitive in nature but still hold the interest. I wonder now though, whether his emphasis on a jolly adventure isn't quite as truthful as it could be; he states a few times that looking back he wonders why he wasn't more scared. I wonder the same. The horrors of war only really peak through at times and I suspect this was him writing for a younger audience.Put together though, both Boy and Going Solo are wonderful books for children to open their eyes to different types of stories and worlds. Dahl's relaxed narrative envisages a cosy fire and glass of whiskey, reminiscent of an afternoon with your granddad. Equally of interest to the adults too.

Going Solo by Roald Dahl. Dahl has been sent to Africa by Shell Oil Company from England. He travels in a boat called SS Mantola to East Africa. In Africa Dahl meets a really funny guy name Mdisho was Dahl’s valet in Dahl’s house in Dar es Salaam. After months in Africa he knew how to speak Swahili, and instead of consider Mdisho a servant he consider him a good friend. After his first year in Africa World War 2 began. After the English declare war on Germany. Mdisho was excited about war because the English declare it. He said to Dahl, why don’t we kill all of them before they declare war. “Dahl said” my friend I am afraid that we have really strict rules for war nobody kills anybody until war is declared. “(GS page 53)Dahl was sent to stop the Germans from getting out of Dar es Salaam with soldiers that were hiding with one machine gun. Dahl was so scared about this because it was his first time being a soldier for the British. Dahl some of that when he puts his hands up this would be the order to shoot over the Germans. Dahl didn’t want to do it because the Germans were his friends, but he had to do it. So After all that happen, he thought he should go to Nairobi to train to be a pilot instead of being a soldier for the British. Dahl started training when war was 2 months old. After a year Dahl survived the training and was sent to Greece to join the 80th squadron in World War 2. I like this book because I like adventure and war books.(GS, p.57)
—Pedro Saenz-diez

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