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Glory From On High (2008)

Glory From on High (2008)

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4.06 of 5 Votes: 1
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1598114654 (ISBN13: 9781598114652)
Covenant Communications, Inc.

About book Glory From On High (2008)

I think the only reason I'm still reading this series is because I am interested about what happens to the characters. I guess I could always go find some historical documents to find that out, but I assume the books are at least a little more entertaining than those would be. I think the biggest problem I have with these books is that they are trying to fit so much in at a time. Each book covers multiple years and jumps huge gaps of time. Most of the book was just big events in the Johnson family's lives, and that's just not enough for a GOOD/GREAT historical fiction in my opinion. Ezekiel is totally withdrew from his wife. They remain married and will always be connected through the life that has come upon them. They lose more children in this book, their anchors in life are going to God one by one and yet Julia holds strong and keeps her children strong in the faith. Two daughters marry one is over seen by God the other God help her and keep her strong! Now the Saints are being driven from their homes as the beginning of the exodus to zion.

Do You like book Glory From On High (2008)?

This was my favorite of all three so far in the series. This whole series is a must read!

Vol 3 of the Johnson family history....excellent...can't wait for the next installment!

This series is interesting to me as a descendant of Ezekiel Johnson.

Could hardly wait for this next edition. I love this series.

Book 3 - I can't wait for Book 4!

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